Hot Legs or Hot Dogs

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Achieving a thigh gap is society’s latest trend, particularly in today’s youth. The thigh gap has become widespread among social media sites – namely, Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook. It is through these sites that the concept of Hot Dog Legs arose. Models all across the runways sported thigh gaps, and it soon became an obsession for teenage girls. The thigh gap does not exist outside the world of media. It can only be defined by its online assessors. Of the few places the thigh gap is defined, Wikipedia says of it, “[it] is a gap between the thighs, when standing with the back upright, and the left and right knees touching each other.” The concept itself is not questionable, but the means to which girls achieve it is.
The thigh gap, for some, is a natural attribute because of body shape and metabolic processing. For some, there is no need for change in diet, and exercise to have a thigh gap. However, for others achieving a thigh gap is a complete change in lifestyle. Girls across the world have been starving themselves and over-exercising their bodies to attain ‘Hot Dog Legs.’ Social media only adds coal to the fire. There are numerous sites promoting anorexic and bulimic behaviors. These sites encourage extreme measures for the highly desired ‘Hot Dog Legs.’ They urge girls to starve themselves; if food is consumed, they swear by diuretics, and other unnatural methods. The following image reflects the suggested (and encouraged) calorie intake of someone who is trying to achieve a thigh gap.

Food is sacrificed for this miniscule space between one thigh and the other. This kind of dieting would be beneficial towards someone preparing for an impending famine. Having lived weeks off such meager rations of food, anyone co...

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... ABC News Network.

➢ "‘Thigh Gap’: New Teen Body Obsession?" ABC News. ABC News Network.
< >.
➢ "'Thigh Gap' Trend Raises Health Concerns." USA Today. Gannett.
➢ Lawley, Robyn. “Why the Dangerous Thigh Gap Trend Makes Me Mad” The Daily Beast. Newsweek/Daily Beast.
➢ "Light as a Feather." Light as a Feather. Tumblr blog.
➢ "Can You Survive on 500 Calories a Day?" LIVESTRONG.COM.

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