Hamlet Eulogy For Horatio

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Horatio entered Hamlet’s dim lighted bed chamber that was secluded from the other chambers and found Hamlet with a concerned countenance. It was evident he was contemplating the recent appearance of his father in a spiritual form and the startling information he had just learnt. Noticing Horatio, Hamlet jumped to his feet to greet his dearest friend hiding the current turmoil he was feeling behind a grin. Horatio was glad to see him after the recent and relatively concerning appearance of the ghost. Although he was very intelligent he had no explanation for what he had just witnessed and his curiosity for understanding the phenomena led him to find out what this ghost wanted from Hamlet.
‘My lord, how are you?’ questioned Horatio in a very calm voice.
‘The spirit was undoubtedly my father,’ stuttered …show more content…

‘Yes that deceitful lowlife has used it to sneak is way into the crown of Denmark. How dare he act out of pity for my father’s cowardly murder! He is like a worm slowly eating the core away of a rotten apple. I have vowed to avenge my father and this task is now bounded to me.’
‘Committing revenge will not be easily achieved; for is it morally right to murder by the word of a ghost that may in fact be a reincarnation of Satan attempting to create further havoc in a time of turmoil. We have no understanding of the afterlife and how this apparition is even possible. If this is not true, then what will happen to you after your revenge has been accomplished? Will you be sent to the flames of the afterlife? Is it truly worth it Hamlet? Denmark is already in ruins and the death of the new King whether it is moral or not will only make our country more vulnerable.’
‘I have no option, this is not just about me this is about setting everything in this world right again and cleansing Denmark from the evil that resides in

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