Honesty In The Lie By Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

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In the short story “The Lie” by Kurt Vonnegut Jr, the main character, Eli, who is related to the founders and attenders of Whitehill Preparatory School fails to get into the school. His parents don’t know he didn’t get in so he tears up the letter in an attempt to have them not be upset with him. A theme that can easily be seen in “The Lie” is honesty, and how it can change the way people act.
One way honesty can be seen in “The Lie” is when Eli isn’t honest and didn’t tell his parents he failed to get into Whitehill. “Eli had good reason for slumping, for actually hoping to die or disappear. He could not bring himself to say what the reason was. He slumped because he knew he had been denied admission to Whitehill.” This shows how Eli isn’t

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