Homosexuality and the theories on divinity

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“And we will see how Godless of a nation we have become,” (Armstrong). Today’s society has beckoned upon the revival and renewal of several laws mandated by men and women who think they have comprehended what God deems as righteous and sinful. The older populations of adults see homosexuality as sin, where one person cannot love another of the same gender without them being damned to Hell, whereas the younger population addresses the need for love and happiness among any and all groups of people. Saint Thomas Aquinas’s states these ideas and what God wants based on his theories. Aquinas’s ultimate goal was to achieve ultimate happiness within form of a divine afterlife with his God, and he has generated theories and models for others to follow to reach this goal. In this paper I plan on explaining Aquinas’s view on homosexuality in comparison to the Bible’s by using the Summa Theologiae, the Theory of Natural Laws, and the Divine Command Theory.
It seems that a day does not go by that a new law is being passed or a new thought is being conceived about homosexuality in world and the morality behind it. Gay marriage and homosexual oppression can be compared to other culture and ethnic groups that have been shunned away from society based on their beliefs and practices. There are many arguments for and against gay marriage, some of them being out of ignorance and other arguments being actually debatable with genuine worries backed behind them. Saint Thomas Aquinas did not look at the homosexual individual so closely rather the divine laws surrounding them. For example, in the Summa Theologiae, one of the statements is the Proof of Causality (Feser 63). Aquinas states that everything that God has created has a purpose. Looking at thi...

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...y without harboring discrimination towards another based on their sexual preferences, skin color, or cultural practices as we are all His children. If homosexuality was destroying the familial values of love that were pre-set by the men who are now trying to dictate what love really enthralls then we would see a lot more of the world and nation in shambles worse than they already are. If the ultimate goal is happiness of divinity should one not be looking to making oneself happy and then expanding that joy and virtue out onto others? Is that not what God wants of his creations, to orate his word and advise his teachings upon others regardless of what society advocates? In this paper I have explained the argument of homosexuality based on the Bible and St. Thomas Aquinas’s theories from the Summa Theologiae, the Theory of Natural Laws, and the Divine Command Theory.

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