Homelessness Essay

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American society today is epitomized by the growing divide between rich and poor. What is significant about this fact is that both ends of the spectrum are accelerating away from each other, with poor individuals sliding further still into the doldrums of poverty, while those that have enjoyed success in the past to a large degree continue to accumulate even larger sums of riches.
One segment of the population facing increasing prospects of poverty are students who are tasked with facing disappearing jobs, and skyrocketing education costs. Another large segment facing issues in relation to poverty are the elderly, and minorities, as well as individuals living in single parent households. In 2013, the national poverty rate rose to include 13.2% of the population in the United States meaning that almost 1 out of every 6 people in the wealthiest nation in the world were living at or below the poverty line. In addition to this inexcusable figure, 3.5 million people were forced to sleep in under bridges and in parks in 2013. These unfortunate developments are the result o...

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