Holocaust Narrative

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My dreams shattered in front of my eyes like a million pieces of broken glass and all I could do was stare into the endless abyss knowing escape was just a far fetched fantasy. When darkness fell and time came to escape to a wonderland deep within my consciousness, to which only I had the key, the devils would break in and imprison me in my mind. As a child I would sit alone every night in the dark praying to the angels for things to change, for life to get better but in the end I was speaking to the walls. The endless nights of crying myself to sleep and the angels weren’t there to tell me things would be okay, maybe they knew that my life would be a rocky road to hell. I cried, prayed and kept going for years and years, but everything remained …show more content…

Our routine was the same every day, wake up, shower, get ready, eat, do chores and finally go to bed. The orphanage was a government funded shelter located in Auschwitz, across from what I called the “forbidden dungeon” which in other words was the mental institution. I remember looking out the window of my room from the top of my bunk watching the the buliding for hours as if it there was something connecting me to it, as if something was calling me from the inside. It was a dark place, there were no windows only barbed fences, the grass never grew and the doors never opened yet there was a weird sensation I would get every time I went close to the humongous gates with the devil gargoyles sitting on top. I was very young and caught up in my own world of sorrow to pay heed to those sensations especially with all the things that would happen to the kids within the orphanage. Every year a child would go missing never to be heard or talked of again, as if they never existed, this time I was the target. I’ll never forget that day in June and how it changed my life …show more content…

I wandered the halls to look for her when I heard screaming coming from the kitchen, it sounded like Janessa, I thought she might be hurt so I ran into the kitchen to see what happened to her. As I ran into the kitchen I stopped in front of the door and all I could do was just stand there and stare at the blood that rushed to my feet like a wave crashing onto the shore. The guard with the bushy mustache and slicked back hair was on top of her holding her arms down with one hand and her neck with the other, Janessa was struggling to escape his grip but the man was much stronger than her. There was blood everywhere, I wanted to throw up and run away but I couldn’t I had to help her first. I took a pan that was hung on top of the stove and hit it as hard as I could on top of the man's head. He screamed and rolled off of her holding his head and agonizing in pain while I rushed towards my best friend, dropped to my knees and held her head in my lap. I kept telling her to wake up, but she wouldn’t respond. Tears started rolling from my eyes, and my body started to tremble it was the first time I had seen someone die right in front of my eyes and there was nothing I could do, I felt so helpless. The man finally got up and saw me holding Janessa while I cried and screamed for her to wake up. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up so fast that my arm went numb then he slapped me across my

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