Analyse The Factors Which May Affect Children's Holistic Development Essay

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Holistic development in children focuses on addressing all of the needs of a child’s life: emotional, physical, relational, intellectual, creative and spiritual. This perspective to development encourages caregivers and teachers to look at the child as a whole and not focus on the individual parts.” However, there are many factors which may affect children’s holistic development as the development of a child changes all the time as it is made up of periods of fast growth followed by periods of calm. Some factors which could affect children’s holistic development are as follows: A child’s holistic development can be affected by the discussions held over the years …show more content…

If the child has a medical condition or disease it can affect the child’s holistic development as children that has a medical condition or disease are more likely to develop depression which could affect the child emotionally as they may feel that they are not wanted therefore they will develop a low self-confidence, self-esteem and self-image which will start to affect the child socially as they will find it hard to meet new friends within their surroundings. A medical condition or disease could also affect the child’s holistic development physically as the child may find it hard to do certain activities if he/she has poor fine motor skills or poor gross motor skills, for example, if a …show more content…

The gender of the child could influence the child’s holistic development as boys and girls intend to develop differently, for example, girls have a higher level of intelligence than boys whereas boys intend to grow quicker than girls. The child’s general health could also affect the child’s holistic development as “Being born small or large for gestational age is linked to obesity and chronic disease” which could affect the child emotionally and socially in the future as they may have a low self- confidence and self- image therefor they may not want to meet new people as they may be afraid of what they think of them as the child won’t feel confident about himself/herself. Mental health could also affect the child’s holistic development as a “child’s wellbeing is the result of healthy development within a nurturing environment” but if the child does not get this it could affect their holistic development physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially as the child may not be taught how to play, learn, develop relationships and friendships and have a clear sense of self- worth. Health practices could also influence a child’s holistic development as the child must have a pattern of sleep, eating and playing as well as physical activities because if they don’t it could affect their holistic

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