Holiday - In German
Lezten Sommer bin ich mit meiner Familie nach Frankreich gefahren. Wir
sind mit dem Auto und der Fähre in die Dordogne gefrahren und die
Reise hat zwei Tage getdauert. Die Reise war sehr langweilig und sehr
heiβ. Wir haben unterwegs in Frankreich in einem Hotel ubernachtet.
In die Dordogne haben wir eine Woche auf einem Campingplatz in der
Nähe vom Fluss Dordogne verbracht. Meine Schwester und ich haben das
Zelten toll gefunden.
Am Montag haben wir Domme besichtigt und es war sehr schön. Es ist
ruhig, aber es kann auch manchmal lanweilig sein.
Am nächsten Tag sind wir in die Stadt gefahren, wir sind einkaufen
gegangen. Ich habe viele Kleider gekauft. In der Stadt gab es viele
junge Leute, und man konnte viel unternehmen. Tagsüber habe ich in der
Sonne gelegen und wir haben auch viele Ausflüge gemacht.
Abends haben wir in einem Restaurant gegessen. Wir haben viele Crêpes
und Cola gehabt. Es war lecker.
Das Wetter war meistens gut. Es war sehr warm und sonnig mit uber
vierzig Grad, es hat einmal gedonnert und geblitzet und das war in der
Die Dordogne hat mir gut gefallen, weil wir sehr nette Leute kennen
gelernt haben. Ich habe auch ein bisschen Französich und Deutsch
gesprochen. Ich möchte eines Tages dorthin zurückfahren.
Ich fahre fast jeden sommer dorthin. Wir haben viele Teile besichtigt
aber die Dordogne gefäult mir am besten, weil das Wetter dort so schon
ist und ich gern in der Sonne liege. Eines Tages were ich ein Haus in
Frankreich kaufen,weil ich das Land so gern habe.
Lestes Jahr bin ich mit der Schule nach Dusseldorf gefahren. Wir sind
mit dem Bus nach Heathrow und dann mit dem Flugzug gefahren. Der Flug
war zwei Stunden lang aber unsgesamt waren wir zehn Stunden unterwegs.
Ich habe bei meinem deutschen Breifreund gewohnt. Die Familie war sehr
nett und gastfreundlich.
Wir sind einkaufen gegangen und ich habe einen schwarzen Rock gekauft.
Hagen W (2012). ‘German History in Modern Times: Four Lives of the Nation’. Published by Cambridge University Press (13 Feb 2012)
I am going to tell you about a famous, yet kinda eerie celebration that takes place in mexico. This is a tradition celebrated by the Mexican Natives, most Mexican Americans (including myself) don’t even acknowledge this day, unless they happen to be visiting mexico at the time of this event.
After the ending of the Civil War in 1865, slavery was, at last, formally abolished by the Thirteenth Amendment. Due to the freedom of these African Americans and the South’s ever-growing hatred towards this group, African Americans were left to suffer harsh discrimination and horrible conditions. Africans Americans were left without homes, education, jobs, or money. Reconstruction was the Radical Republicans’ attempt to try and bring the Confederate states back to normal and unite both the South and the North into a whole country once again. Reconstruction was also set to protect and help the newly freed African Americans assimilate to the new society and the foreign economy they were placed in. Conditions of the African Americans in the South before, during, and after the reconstruction period were no doubt harsh. African Americans, before the Reconstruction Era, struggled to assimilate with the hateful society they were thrown in, if not still slaves. Although their condition improved slightly, African Americans during the reconstruction period experienced extreme terrorism, discrimination, pressure, and hatred from the south, along with the struggle of keeping alive. After the military was taken out of the South, African Americans’ condition after the Reconstruction Era relapsed back as if Reconstruction never happened.
The ‘German catastrophe’ that happened in the 20th century presented an unprecedented phenomenon that was difficult to explain given the previous historical development of the country. Specifically, the rise of Nazi Germany led to the radical changes in the country’s system of governance, social values, changes in social institutions etc that were unexpected from the point of view of history. The Sonderweg is a theory in historiography that emphasizes the idea that German path to democracy was unique, if compared to other counties in the West. Namely, the proponents of this concept ‘emphasize the peculiarities of German history, such as political institutions, social structures, or mentalities and experience’ (Buse & Doerr,
When the topic comes to presidential assassins, most people will not use the word amusing and assassins in the same sentence; however; Dan Danbom, a reporter for the Rocky Mountain News, proved otherwise and stated that Vowell has succeeded in creating a “humorous” historical context by writing “I can confidently say that Sarah Vowel’s Assassination Vacation is the most amusing book you’ll read this year about presidential assassinations” (Danbom). Sarah Vowel’s purpose of Assassination Vacation is to allow readers to have a look at both sides of history to shed light on the assassins, to reanimate moments lost to history, and to make her book more interesting by using her unique style of writing; although she fails miserably by adding in too much humor and too many personal opinions, she was successful by examining the motive of the assassins, giving analysis to allow readers to look at past and present events, and by using her interesting style of writing to engage readers to continue reading the story.
Scared of the dead? You shouldn’t be. Did you know throughout Mexico they celebrate the day of the dead? They call it Dia De Los Muertos. On This holiday, they celebrate the passing of their loved ones. In United States, on October 31 we celebrate Halloween, this day we dress up on our most scariest costume, trick-or-treat for candies, and scare others just for the fun of it. They say it’s the day where the dead rise, maybe that’s why most people are afraid of this day.
In Tacitus’ Germania the reader can capture an image of how Germany is presented in terms of its bordering territories and its geographical details. According to Tacitus, Rhaetia and Pannonia and the rivers Rhine and Danube separate Germany (Tacitus, Germania, 1). The
The “German” nation, before it even became known as Germany, had undergone a period of transition from its inherited culture as a result of the French invasion and the Napoleonic wars. There was a sense that the German cultur...
I stepped out of the chilly November air and into the warmth of my home. The first snowfall of the year had hit early in the morning, and the soft, powdery snow provided entertainment for hours. As I laid my furry mittens and warm hat on the bench to dry, I was immediately greeted with the rich scent of sweet apple pie, pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, and the twenty-pound turkey my mother was preparing for our Thanksgiving feast.
Roman Holiday is a famous and important film for many reasons, probably most for introducing the world to the incomparable Audrey, here in her first major starring role, and one which won her an Academy Award. With lots chemistry, inspired direction by William Wyler, and impressive locale work, shot completely on location in Rome, this ranks as one of the best romantic comedies ever made.
Guildenstern: “But why? Was it all for this? Who are we that so much should
"Bastille Day, on the Fourteenth of July, is the French symbol of the end of the Monarchy and the beginning of the French Revolution" ( It is very much like Independence Day in the United States because it is a celebration of the beginning of a new form of government.
As I skim through the Chadwick’s mail-order catalog, I come across a woman, who looks as if she is in her mid-thirties, standing outside on the snow-covered ground. Her gloved hand is arched back in a ready-to-throw position with a snowball resting in her palm. The woman is wearing a ¾ length gray wool coat and black leather gloves, which catches my eye. The serene, white-topped leaves of the pine trees lean in different directions, waiting for spring to arrive. “Winter is a breeze if you buy this coat” is the message I receive from this friendly-gestured woman. This warm, easy feeling especially comes into play during the holiday season when we buy gifts for our friends and family.
ich noch etwas gelesen. Als wir gelandet waren, wurden wir von einem Bus abgeholt und wir sind zum Hotel gefahren. Als wir im Hotel angekommen waren, gingen wir erst einmal ins Bett, um zu schlafen. Weil die Zeit in Kanada fünf