Holden Caulfield Chapter Summaries

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Plot summary The Catcher in the Rye is narrated by the main character, Holden Caulfield, who we later find out is writing from a mental hospital. It takes place somewhere during the 1950s mostly around New York. It starts out at Pencey prep school, the Saturday after classes end for Christmas. Holden has failed out of three schools already and has been expelled from Pencey for failing four of his five classes. He visits his history teacher, Spencer, to say goodbye but instead gets scolded for not applying himself. Stradlater went on a date with Jane Gallagher, who Holden grew up with. He gets upset with Stradlater and tries to fight him but ends up getting a bloody nose and left on the ground. Holden decides to leave Pencey three days early …show more content…

When she arrives at Holden's room he makes up a lie telling her he can't have sex with her. While he offers to pay her anyway the five dollars the agreed upon price she says that it's ten dollars. Holden refuses to pay the other five dollars and she leaves only to return with the elevator man. The man insists on ten dollars and even though Holden resists the man punches him in the gut and takes the money from his wallet. The next morning he calls an ex-girlfriend Sally Hayes, and they agree to a date later that day. He tries to call his childhood friend Jane Gallinger but her mom answers so he hangs up. He then goes to Central Park looking for his younger sister Phoebe but doesn't find her. He takes a cab to meet Sally for their date but becomes annoyed when she talks to another boy she knows. He starts ranting about how unhappy he is with society and school and asks her to run away with him. She refuses and he calls her a pain in the butt. She gets angry but won’t except his apology so he leaves. Holden tries to call Jane again but no one answers. Instead he calls a young man, Carl Luce who used to be his student advisor and meets him for a drink. In the past Luce used to talk openly so boys about sex but he gets irritated by Holden's childish behavior and remarks towards homosexual and Luce's Chinese girlfriend and

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