Hmong-American Culture

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The idea of the spirit coming home is one of the most important cultural aspects that is emphasized by Yang’s grandmother. When Yang moved to America, she “asked her grandfather’s spirit to protect [her], or at least to tell [her] grandmother of [her] fear” (109). She constantly seeks for her grandmother’s guidance and shamanism – a traditional belief of the Hmong. Her grandmother influenced her strong belief in shamanism. As Yang grows up without her grandmother, her grandmother’s beliefs and values stay with her throughout her journey as she migrates to America.
Most of the readings in class do not capture the importance of culture, but instead, they focused on the United States’ introduction and implementation of policies. The United States …show more content…

They encountered identity issues, especially tackling what it means to be Hmong-American. One of her most powerful lines was “In wanting to live, we were willing to try becoming Hmong Americans” (Yang, 203). Her words depicted how her voice intensified as a story teller. As she grew older, Yang explored herself “as a cultural identity and as Hmong person” (214). She is not done defining herself and history. Today, the history of her family and her people continues, as they seek to explore their identities with each other and within …show more content…

Although Yang effectively shared her story, the book could be improved by showing a balance between men and women leadership. Yang sets a strong emphasis on her grandma’s potent figure such as grandma’s reluctance to leave the camp, but does not make the same mentions of her own father’s presence. She may have chosen to illustrate Hmong women’s perspectives throughout, but she could have done a better job in storytelling by showing a balance between genders. Yang could have also shared how hard it was for other Hmong to earn citizenship in America. Her memoir focused on her family and how lucky they were to gain citizenship; however, for other Hmong, they did not have luck at all. The difficult stages of the process of sponsorship were

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