Hitler's Persuasion

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Adolf Hitler, a very-well respected man who dreamed of conquering the whole world to revenge for all the shame Germany got after World War I and building a ‘Greater Germany’. So, he became the leader of about 90 million people; the Nazi regime. So, how did he earn that much of power to be so authoritative? He knew how to approach people’s heart with his persuasive orations. Furthermore, he knew the good of his people and he knew where to put those people. Plus, he set his goal and he achieved it; for his country. Even though his idea to start the war was very foolish, but looking at how he led his own people, Hitler was an eminently successful leader.

First of all, Hitler had exquisite persuasion. So what are the ways Hitler persuaded? He …show more content…

There are many ways Hitler satisfied his citizens; one of them are economical. Before Hitler was elected as Germany’s chancellor in 1933, the economy was just a total chaos. The German government was in the shame after the World War I and they were lost after reparations of World War I. But Hitler In 1933, there were 6 million unemployments, but in 1939, there were only 302,000 unemployments which rose German economy. The other way Hitler satisfied the German people are treating them well. Hitler provided over 100,000 entertainment events such as concert and theatre for 32 million people. Plus, there were a number of free health care systems. Nazis also set a rule that every large factory had to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools for its workers. And the consequences Hitler promised before Hitler became the chancellor was to provide shelters, money, and jobs for the citizens- which he …show more content…

His goal was to revenge to the world from all the humiliation and infuriation after WWI. Hitler was a genius of politics. He knew how to put things to his advantage even when it wasn't going right. First, building an army is against the Treaty of Versailles. What is the Treaty of Versailles? It is an agreement for peace among the nations after World War I. But Hitler somehow convinced the other nations that building an army of Nazi regime is connected to Germany’s own politics with his knowledge of politics. Although his goal can be very stupid and cruel, but he did get Germany to full power and expanded the territory of Germany. In 1939, he started to outbreak the World War II and conquered 12 countries in Europe only in approximately 3 years, including Poland, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Yugoslavia, Greece, The Soviet Union, Italy, and lastly, Hungary. So how was it possible for Adolf Hitler and Nazi to invade those nations? First, he was a strategic leader. He had good visionary of the situations around. And his strategies were political, not forceful; which the other countries didn't expect.

Indeed, Adolf Hitler was a mass murderer, and a sociopath, but Hitler was an certainly successful leader. He had impeccable persuasion towards his citizens and knew how to make them happy. Furthermore, he did make his country to the full

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