Hitler's Final Solution Research Paper

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One of the most infamous things done during the Holocaust was the implementation of Adolf Hitler’s Final Solution. The Holocaust was a tragic event that took place from 1933-1945 in Germany and the surrounding countries. Hitler’s plan was to kill every single Jewish person in Europe and complete his dream for an Aryan civilization. Because many people thought the Jews had lost World War I for Germany, Hitler decided to take command and hunt down and kill the Jewish population to make his nation pure once again using his plan, The Final Solution. The Final Solution was the plan to exterminate all Jews from Europe. Its main goal was to “drive the Jews out of Germany by systematically isolating them from German society and eliminating them from …show more content…

The idea of soldiers walking everywhere to kill the Jews quickly became useless and was replaced by gas vans which could pack a large amount of people inside. These death machines could pack around 60 people into it. The exhaust pipe was rerouted back into the van and the gas suffocated and killed the inhabitants inside (Rice 74). However, problems with the vans, such as muddy roads and the process of removing all of the bodies from the van, became apparent, so that idea was replaced by the more efficient concentration camps. The Auschwitz concentration camp was the largest camp created. It contained a camp of hard labor, called Buna, and a death camp named Birkenau (“The Final Solution” USHMM). Auschwitz was able “to process the death of 12,000 inhabitants daily” (“The Final Solution” Holocaust History). The idea of the concentration camp sped up the Jewish problem and had fewer problems than the previous methods. After the invasion of Normandy by the Allied forces, Heinrich Himmler ordered massive evacuations of Jews from Auschwitz in November 1944 (Rice 86). Hitler wanted to continue killing Jews even with the Allied forces closing in on them, so he closed the concentration camps and made the Jews march through the cold winter which killed some of the prisoners. Some were shot and left to die in the snow, while the others were put to hard labor to provide for the Germans. Hitler soon realized he was losing the war so he decided to take his own life, resulting in the tragic ending of the Final

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