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History of Stonehenge
On May 20, 1996, TIME magazine contained an advertisement for the Mita DC-8090 copying machine. It included a vivid image of a very recognizable work of art, Stonehenge. TIME magazine is a weekly news magazine and its readers are educated and interested in current events, politics, business, science, and the arts. The text of the advertisement states, "The new Mita DC-8090 has the technology to manage complicated copying jobs from start to finish-it's fully automatic. Sunsets should be watched, not copiers." The advertisement utilizes the beautiful image as a setting to make the product look attractive and the text to suggest that the copier will save time and effort. It also assumes that the reader will associate Stonehenge with the sun and sunsets using common knowledge about this famous structure.
Stonehenge is located on the Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England. It is a megalithic monument built during the Neolithic Period, approximately between 2750 and 1500 B.C..(Stokstad, p.54-55) The builders of this magnificent monument remain unknown although it was once incorrectly thought to have been built by the Druids.(Balfour)
Stonehenge was built in several different phases beginning with the large white circle, 330 feet in diameter, surrounded by an eight foot-high embankment and a ring of fifty-six pits now referred to as the Aubrey Holes.(Stokstad, p.53; Hoyle) In a subsequent building phase, thirty huge pillars of stone were erected and capped by stone lintels in the central Sarsen Circle, which is 106 feet in diameter.(Stokstad, p.54) This circle is so named because the stone of which the pillars and lintels were made was sarsen. Within the Sarsen Circle were an incomplete ring and a horsesho...
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...he advertisers assumed that the readers of TIME magazine had seen the site before and knew something about its history. This is a fairly safe assumption since the readers of TIME would probably have had some exposure to this very famous work of art. The readers may not have known specific details about the original but, as with most art from the past that is reproduced in the present, the work is associated with certain well-known facts.
Works Cited:
Balfour, Michael Stonehenge and Its Mysteries New York 1979
Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia (Computer Program)
Hoyle, Fred From Stonehenge to Modern Cosmology San Francisco 1972 On Stonehenge San Francisco 1977
Humbert, Jean-Marcel Pantazzi, Michael Ziegler, Christiane Egyptomania Paris 1994
Stokstad, Marilyn Art History, Volume 1 New York 1995
Wainwright, Geoffrey The Henge Monuments London 1989
Stonehenge: a Human Vulva or Temple, or something else…? The content of this project is based on the largest and most complete megalithic structure in Europe, The Stonehenge. It resides in center of the southern England; on the wide spread Salisbury Plains. It is said to be old approximately four thousand years, and it is even considered older than the Great Pyramids of Egypt.
Stonehenge is located in Southern England on what is known as the Salisbury Plain. The structure looks different than it once did, however. Today, Stonehenge suffers the effects of time and pernicious acts by people. Originally, in the years after completion, the structure was made up of “several concentric circles of megaliths, very large stones.” (5) Stonehenge consists a circular layout of approximately one hundred megaliths. On the tops of them another flat stone was placed to make a continuous ring of horizontal stones. These structures are known as trilithons.
in the uneducated minds of popular culture from tie seventeenth century to the present. It
A Modest Proposal, to save the country’s image: Examining the oppression toward the Irish poor
Impey, Chris. How It Began: A Time-traveler's Guide to the Universe. New York: W.W. Norton, 2012. 123+. Print.
There is no denying that Ireland was in dire need of aid in order to find the cause of the poverty problem that had swept over it. Reports carried out at that time in order to establish the cause of the Irish poverty highlighted the seasonal unemployment of the Irish labourers and the poverty that resulted from this in both their living conditions and what they possessed and ate. The ...
Additionally, the nuclear and chemical properties of rhodium are quite unique. The only significant natural isotope is 103Rh. It has a mass number of 103, a natural abundance of 100 percent, and is stable. This element has no important man-made isotopes.
There then amassed immeasurably vast and elegant clouds composed principally of the simplest and most adulterously insouciant stable element then, as now – some fourteen billion years later: Hydrogen. These forming and expanding seas of the single proton element circulated within, amongst, and against themselves even as they swirled and eddied in the expanding Creation, carrying in their undertow their less numerous but heavier siblings in the mix.
Moving inwards from the Heel Stone is an earthwork enclosure that consists of a ditch and an interior bank, the height of which was calculated by Professor Atkinson as being about 1.8m (6ft). It is known that there were at least two entrances, the one now visible (facing NE) and one to the south. Lying within the entrance is an unworked and now recumbent sarsen stone, stained a rusty red caused by rainwater acting on iron, and known as the Slaughter Stone. Arranged around the inner edge of the earthwork bank were originally four small uprights: the Station Stones, of which two are still visible. Immediately adjacent to the bank is a ring of 56 pits, known as the Aubrey Holes, marked by circular concrete spots. The area between the inner edge of the bank and the outermost stone settings includes at least two further settings of pits: the Y and Z holes.
The location plays a large role in the importance of the monument. Today it is a common attraction for many tourists. The Parthenon was built using ancient geometery. It is a rectangular building with 46 columns surrounding it, with a heighth of 13.72 meters.
The Parthenon was built during the Golden age in Athens, Greece. The Parthenon is made of mainly columns; there is a 9:4 ratio. It was almost destroyed in war; the ruins that remained were dedicated to Athena. The purpose of the Parthenon was to house the statue of Athena, made of ivory and gold, and also Athena’s treasure. The ratios and the equations used to make the Parthenon were used as a sign of the harmony in the natural world around us. The mathematical harmony in the world shows how we can work with the world rather than destroy to make it what we want. The Parthenon also has no straight lines. The columns of the Parthenon are angled going up getting smaller the higher they get. This was done so that you could get the best lighting
Uranium, a radioactive element, was first mined in the western United States in 1871 by Dr. Richard Pierce, who shipped 200 pounds of pitchblende to London from the Central City Mining District. This element is sorta boring but I found something interesting, they used it to make an an atomic bomb in the Cold War. In 1898 Pierre and Marie Curie and G. Bemont isolated the "miracle element" radium from pitchblende. That same year, uranium, vanadium and radium were found to exist in carnotite, a mineral containing colorful red and yellow ores that had been used as body paint by early Navajo and Ute Indians on the Colorado Plateau. The discovery triggered a small prospecting boom in southeastern Utah, and radium mines in Grand and San Juan counties became a major source of ore for the Curies. It was not the Curies but a British team working in Canada which was the first to understand that the presence of polonium and radium in pitchblende was not due to simple geological and mineral reasons, but that these elements were directly linked to uranium by a process of natural radioactive transmutation. The theory of radioactive transformation of elements was brilliantly enlarge in1901 by the New Zealand physicist Ernest Rutherford and the English chemist Frederick Soddy at McGill University in Montreal. At dusk on the evening of November 8, 1895, Wilhelm Rontgen, professor of physics at the University of Wurzburg in Germany, noticed a cathode tube that a sheet of paper come distance away. He put his hand between the tube and the paper, he saw the image of the bones in his hand on the paper.
Stonehenge took almost one thousand five hundred years to build. According to claims by anthropology.msu.edu, “The construction of Stonehenge began with the outer ring which consisted of sarsen sandstone slabs excavated from local quarries in England’s Salisbury Plain, while the inner ring was being built with smaller Bluestone rocks that scientists have tracked back to the Preseli Hills in Wales, nearly two-hundred miles away from the construction site of Stonehenge”(Stonehenge: the Ancient Alien Theory). Therefore, researchers have been questioning how those neolithic people were able to move four tons worth of boulders over such a great distance, especially considering that this monument was constructed around five thousand years ago. Von Däniken and other theorists believe that the aliens were involved in the construction of Stonehenge, and many other pieces of history as
Motivation in the workplace is one of the major concerns that managers face when trying to encourage their employees to work harder and do what is expected of them on a day-to-day basis. According to Organizational Behavior by John R. Schermerhorn, James G. Hunt and Richard N. Osborn the definition of motivation is "the individual forces that account for the direction, level, and persistence of a person's effort expended at work." They go on to say that "motivation is a key concern in firms across the globe." Through the years there have been several theories as to what motivates employees to do their best at work. In order to better understand these theories we will apply them to a fictitious organization that has the following three types of employees: salespeople, production workers, and administrative staff. We will discuss which of these theories would or would not be most effective to motivate these employee groups and try to explain why. The motivation theories that will be discussed are: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, ERG (Aldefer), Two-Factor Theory (Herzberg), Equity Theory (Adams), and the Expectancy Theory (Vroom). Let's start with salespeople.
‘The Celtic Tiger’ was the term used by Irish people to describe the rapid growth Ireland was witnessing. Ireland was referred to as ‘Europe’s shining light’ since the start of the Celtic Tiger. It had only been 10 years prior to this that Ireland had been branded as the’ poorest of the rich’ in Europe (Ireland shines, 1997). Open-minded industrial policy targeted MNC (Multi National Companies) to locate in Ireland around 1987. The government had decided Ireland would become a knowledge based, export driven economy. After the 90’s Ireland witnessed major growth and Irelands harsh economy of 1987 when unemployment was 18%, national debt was 125% of GNP and growth averaged 0.2% of 5years seemed a long time ago (Murphy, 2000).