Examining the Boston Massacre: Causes and Aftermath

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One of the most known events in history to happening Boston . The only event ever to happen like this. The historical event  that earned the title of the incident on king street named by the British personally. The one event where British  soldiers were ready for an attack and colonists were prepared to strike and defend their opinions  the event were you couldn’t imagine it happening in front of you,  but could really  picture it happening to the colonist and the British. So Today we’re going to be going into a  historic event  to see what sparked it all , what happened during it ? And what was the aftermath of the event? Today we’re taking a look back in history To Learn about , The Boston Massacre.
  The Boston Massacre wasn’t the first …show more content…

When the british officer of the wattch the of his ordered more soldiers over to the scene this time they were carrying bayonets . Seeing these weapons only made the colonist angrier and soon the the small argument between the british and the colonist only got bigger. Soon the colonist started to throw snow and ice balls at the soldiers causing them to get angry. One particular snowball hit the soldier private Montgomery and knocked him down from the force that came with it he stood back up and released fire into the crowd and soon after a few seconds of silence other soldiers joined in and when the smoke finally cleared 3 colonist lay dead and two more injured who soon …show more content…

One of the victims were thought to be the greatest hero, his name was Crispus Attucks, a man who was a runaway slave and became  a sailor but soon died from a wound from a gunshot. Samuel Adams held a public funeral for The victims who were all, buried side by side at Granary Burying on Trement Street, Boston Massachusetts. Each side used the deaths of one of their men as a reason to make the other side look bad and they would use fake or untrue information about the other side to make them look bad and gain trust from the other

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