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Crime reduction and prevention
Crime reduction and prevention
Crime reduction and prevention
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Tracking the early beginnings of policing in Newark, NJ was first recorded back in the late 1600 when the establishing of police protection begin. It wasn’t until 1681 the beginning of the Watch at Night, where there were two appointed to patrol the town at night. The two men took on the title as Constable’s and their responsibilities were two very familiar duties; first there were responsible for preventing crime and second, preventing the peace. By 1773, the two constables at the time were required to maintain peace and harmony in the city of Newark. Later on the town’s boundaries began to increase, many felt the responsibilities were to a great extent to extravagance for just two people, so the patrol became nine citizens that would be chosen to serve. Newark was then divided into four watch districts, seven watchmen were appointed for night patrol and they were on duty from nine o’clock at night until dawn. The daily pay for each watchmen was one dollar per night. By 1836 the town of Newark was incorporated and the city became the the third oldest major city in the U.S. The city elected their first mayor, who’s first official acts established the “City Watch.” The City of Newark Watchmen’s duties were defined by ordinance was to patrol the streets and the districts throughout Newark, apprehend or detain until daylight, all offenders against the peace and any suspicious persons whom may be found lurking around in the streets late or unreasonable hours of the night. The first ranking officer, appointed as Captain of the Watch was George C. Sindle and he was paid the same wage as the other watchmen. In 1854 a distinguishing badge was authorized and given to the City Watchmen. Created to look like a star, inscribed with the ti...
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...area. Researchers have realized that even though foot patrol did not exactly lower the rate of the crimes as they have hoped for, but they did realize that maybe people would not commit crimes in those areas if they knew that officers are around almost at every other corner and they would be easily caught right away. Also, in this article, it has been noted that close contact between police and the people helps the former develop first-hand information about crime and possible criminal behavior. Information system such as this is more likely to have a positive long-term impact.
The research of The Newark Foot Patrol Experiment also discusses the effects on officers attitudes and performance. The attitudes of patrol officers toward foot patrol have important implications for implementation, training, assignments, and developing aproaches to overcome resistance.
The system of crime and law enforcement had hardly changed in Britain since the medieval times. Justices of the Peace or JPs were appointed by the Crown since 1361. Before the night watchmen and parish constables were introduced a primitive police force was introduced and the JPs were assisted by constables who only worked part time and were very unreliable as the pay was really bad. The early stages of the force consisted of a night watchmen and parish constables, who were prior to the creation of the main police force. Watchmen were groups of men, usually authorised by a state, government, or society, to deter criminal activity and provide law enforcement. Constables were required to apprehend anyone accused of a felony and bring criminals to a justice of the peace. They also had a general responsibility to keep the peace. There was no expectation that they would investigate and prosecute crimes because of limited responsibility and training. Night watchmen patrolled the streets between 9 or 10pm until sunrise and were expected to examine all suspicious characters. In the City of London, the City Marshall and the Beadles (Parish wardens) conducted daytime patrols. Similar to the night watchmen, primary responsibilities were to patrol and deter, drunkenness, beggars, vagrants and prostitutes and to act as a deterrent against more serious offences. Over the course of this period, the arrangements by which men served as constables and watchmen changed significantly, to incorporate how felons were detected and apprehended.
During the seventies in New Jersey created a program that could change life in society. This program occurred only in twenty-eight cities. Government and public officials were excited about this concept. Police officials were not so much. Foot patrol made officers walk in sleet and snow. Assigned foot patrol was a way of punishment for officers. State funding of foot patrol shut the mouths of some people. Silence stopped after the “Police Foundation”(Kelling) put foot patrol to the actual test. To contrary belief this rattled some arguments in the community an...
...not associated with crimes. The experiment shows us that increased police presence even in no-criminogenic areas may reduce crime rate by making people aware of crimes and encouraging them to report crimes. The methodology followed in this experiments has its strengths and weaknesses. Selecting a good comparison area as a control was an excellent feature for this this experiment. However, there were many limitation to this experiment, such as the shortcoming in the analytic technique and failure in providing a definite measure of the increase in police presence. The article overall is interesting and I would recommend anyone to read it.
Piza, Eric L., and Brian A. O’Hara. 2012. “Saturation Foot-Patrol in a High-Violence Area: A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation.” Justice Quarterly 1–26.
American policing originated from early English law and is profoundly influenced by its history. Early law enforcement in England took on two forms of policing, one of which heavily influenced modern policing and it is known as the watch (Potter, 2013). The watch consisted, at first, of volunteers which had to patrol the streets for any kind of disorder including crime and fire. After men attempted to get out of volunteering by paying others, it became a paid professional position (Walker & Katz, 2012). The three eras of policing in America are shaped by these early ideas and practices of law enforcement. Throughout time, sufficient improvements and advancements have been made from the political era to the professional era and finally the community era which attempts to eliminate corruption, hire qualified officers and create an overall effective law enforcement system.
The modern police agencies have grown and developed since the early 1600s to become an increasingly organized group that endeavors to prevent crime while preserving the rights and professionalism of citizens. Generally, modern policing in the United has been shaped by the early English police styles (“The History of the Police”, n.d.). This is primarily because the first organized policing agencies were witnessed in the early 1800s but exper...
What should police be doing at crime hot spots? There are still concern about the effectiveness of hot spot policing, and what police officers should do in order to effectively reduce crime. Because police officer should be spending some time in these places it is essential to know what they should d...
Because of budget constraints, the study only used one beat to collect data on the effects of increasing police patrol. Even though money was an issue, the experiment could have yielded better data by repeating the experiment multiple times to see if the data they collected would be reliable. The experiment also took place during the winter. The report of the study even noted that there was some evidence that crime activity levels declined, just as street activity does, because of colder weather. Although the design of the study contained weaknesses, some of the methods used by the researchers worked well for this type of study. One of the strengths of this experiment was the different methods used to acquire illegal guns in the beat. By using a variation of ways to seize illegal weapons in the “hot spot,” it allowed officers to increase their chances of finding more illegal guns. Using different methods of search also could have led to greater number of potential offenders to know that officers were looking for illegal weapons and refrained from offending. Another strength of the study includes the relatively inexpensive method to try to answer their hypothesis. Increasing police patrol is one of the more inexpensive methods and it did manage to decrease the number of gun crimes and homicide in the
Since English colonizers were the first to establish an extravagant, European society in North America, it is unsurprising that many of the aspects of the American administration of justice stemmed from its mother country. In England, law enforcement was an unorganized mess until the year 1200 (Schmalleger 137). The police system remained static from 1285 to 1829, until when Sir Robert Peel instituted the modern police force (Schmalleger 139). However, early American law enforcement was bound to be different, due to the differences of American and English life and environment. In the beginning of the colonial law enforcement, towns and cities inaugurated versions of the English day ward and night watch, but these processes did not remain in place for long (Schmalleger 139).
Police organizations are just one of the large bureaucratic structures in modern America and exist because like all others, it is an impersonal, quick and efficient way to run a large institution. Along with the few benefits of police agencies having a top down structure with rigid rules, there are also many costs including poor communication and poor community relations. The problems of the bureaucratic structure are not the only difficulties agencies have faced throughout history, many of these historical complications such as the quality of officers and corruption have been addressed and dealt with numerous times and in many police commissions. Though historical issues are very relevant, the most important issue facing large, modern police bureaucracies is leadership and supervision and can be addressed in a number of ways. In order to improve police morale, job satisfaction, and a better public image leadership and supervision is in need of some serious refinements.
Crime Analysis has many benefits to the community. Community engagement, targeted initiatives, strategic use of resources, and data-driven decision-making contribute to decreasing crime. Crime prevention and community satisfaction with police services, while linked to the number of officers on the streets, does not depend entirely on the visibility of patrol officers. Community engagement, targeted initiatives, strategic use of resources, and data-driven decision-making contribute to decreasing crime. So in closing I believe that departments that take the positive elements of foot patrols and combine their efforts with crime analysis that focuses on the time, location, and type of crime, may use the findings to develop strategies to decrease crime and enhance the quality of life in their communities.
The key characteristics of community policing are as follows: Police officers are usually called upon to be particularly thoughtful, creative problem solvers. They are asked to listen to the concerns of community members, to logically reason out the roots of problems, to identify and research potential answers, to implement solutions, and to assess results. Police officers work in partnership with concerned citizens. The second characteristic is that police officers are visible and accessible component of the community and work with youths and other community members top address delinquency problems. On the third characteristic, police officers patrol a limited number of jurisdictions on foot. The so-called foot patrol officers are believed to be more approachable and offer a comforting presence to citizens. The fourth and last characteristic that will be mentioned on this paper is that the community policing have decentralized operations, which allows officers to develop greater familiarity with the needs of various constituencies in the community and to adapt procedures to accommodate those needs.
Today 's police officer in the United States has evolved in many ways from when the first police department, the Philadelphia Police Department, formed in 1751. Police officers now go through extensive training, are better educated, physically fit, and have access to vast technologies in the fight against crime. Yet even with these additional attributes, the primary role of the police officer has remained the same, to serve and protect. The people who take up this profession do it knowing that it will involve working in high stress environments, rotating work shifts, long periods way from family and friends, and instances of life and death. These officers dedicate themselves to helping others and work to make their community a safer place. It 's a profession that requires ethics, honor, integrity, and professionalism if you wish to succeed as a police officer.
Foot patrol is the oldest form of patrol in history, and is when an officer would walk around the community, interacting with the community and learning the routines of the people around him. The disadvantage of foot patrol is the mobility of the police officer. If an officer is alerted to a robbery a mile away, getting to the scene in time to possibly catch a suspect in the act could be quite difficult on foot. Advantages are that the officers can interact with the community easily, physical presence could lower crime rate in the area also (Ortmeier, 2006).
Although most essentials of police culture are worldwide, each police agency acquires its own particular and unique structural philosophy. It is determined that police culture ethos is labeled as independence, secrecy, isolation, cohesion, and bravery, which police officers are persuaded by socialization procedures and police subcultures (Police Officer Behavior - Individual Characteristics Of Officers, 2016). The law enforcement profession has been recognized by the community as an honorable because the men and women of the police force are devoted to safeguard their community from criminals and willing to jeopardy their lives to achieve the operation. Some supervisors in the police department acknowledge that leadership is not about title, rank, or title, but understand it can be learned and developed such as police discretion and community policing.