History Of Manorialism

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Manorialism describes how land and economic benefits were distributed and how the rule of law was upheld. Manorialism is the economic and social system from the Middle Ages.Manorialism was introduced by Charlemagne in Francia now known as modern France. During the middle ages manorialism existed in France, England, Germany, Spain, Italy, and far into Eastern Europe. A method which is similar of landholding by the peasants has existed in Japan and India. This system was related to feudalism.

The lord's role was also important. A lot of lords of the manor were known as squires. The lord was the one who collected all the taxes that the town paid. If all the peasants paid the lord, the lord would give some of his land to the peasants to grow …show more content…

Peasants did all the work, they were the ones who planted the crops, and who took care of the animals. There was hardly ever a minute to rest. It was very tough for the peasants. Peasants would have to pay their lord a certain portion of their harvest, they would also have to give the lord a portion of the peasants chickens, pigs, and livestock. The peasants agreement with his lord required him to give extra on feast days. At christmas the peasant might have to give one of their best fowls, on palm Sunday to come forward with a sheep, and on easter with five eggs. In order by paying your tax the lord would give you land to grow crops to then pay the lord. When paying the lord peasants would get land, protection, and shelter back for planting crops to then give to the lord. Peasants didn’t only just plant crops they did other things to help the lord. Such as they worked on road repairs, built bridges, and built buildings.

As conclusion every single person part of Manorialism had an important role in the system. The land was the most important as it was the “base” of Manorialism. Manorialism was an early system which was able to organise society. It was the worst for peasants as they had all the work. Manorialism describes how land and economic benefits were

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