History Of Egypt And Textile Industry

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Distinguished for being one of the most developed ancient civilizations, and for being under the influence of various foreign civilizations during its history, Egypt advanced a distinguished textile industry with old tradition and various characteristics. This paper is to contemplate on the colors, fibers, decorative embellishments and weaving/ knitting constructions of the fabrics, as well as artistic, technological features shown in Egyptian textiles.

Egypt and Textile Industry
Egypt’s textile industry is one of the most significant industries as it signifies 27% of total manufactured creation in Egypt standing the second after food industry. Until Recently, this sector has been in degeneration due to numerous issues. Some of these issues are external and others are domestic. The external factors like the global financial crisis led to a global textile catastrophe. Nationally the high production costs resultant from an instant rise in the energy costs caused scarcity of well trained and educated workers and low competition abilities due to the subsidies that are given to its competitors and other problems have affected the sector negatively.
As a reaction, the Egyptian government coped with these challenges by taking physical measures in order to eradicate the problems that act as disadvantages against the sector. However, because of the global struggle, Egyptian cotton is facing a possible collapse. The diagram below published by, Bloomberg, demonstrates how Egypt is not even in the top five in terms of producing, exporting and consumerism. (Doom, 2011)

From the cultivation of cotton to the production of yarns, fabrics and ready-made garments — carried out domestically. The textile sector plays a vital role in the Egyptian ...

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...ate heat, such as cotton and linen. That is perhaps the most valid reasoning for the wide use of the fabric, linen. In terms of fashion, the apparel that the Egyptians wore flattered the shapes of a slim number and was often decked with gems and jewels if they were rich. These ideas aided name ancient Egyptians the very first civilization to have an recognizable style among the ancient civilizations.
Fiercely recognized for its long staple and strength Egyptian cotton is high revered. Specifically, Egyptian cotton sheets are all the rage in the largest economy of the western world. Compared to American cotton, the Egyptian cotton has more strength and is softer to the touch.
Arab Spring
The Arab Spring badly affected investor confidence at the same time that the global economy began to falter. Textile exports fell by 10% last year alone.
Although Egypt is seeing

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