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Essay on the tolland man
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Historians and archaeologists investigated Tollund man extensively through the wonderful preservations of his body which gave them hard evidence to support their theories about Tollund Man’s death. The Tollund Man was found on the 6th of May 1950 by two brothers at Silkeborg, Denmark, in a peat bog. He was positioned on his side in a cradle position, naked with a leather belt around his waist, a pointed sheepskin cap with a leather strap that was positioned firmly under his chin and a noose around his neck. The substances in the peat bog prevented the body from decomposing. The bog contains Sphagnum moss which creates acids in the water and grows a glass covering over the water blocking out oxygen and keeping in heat, all in which cause slow decomposition. There was Sphagnum moss which was found under Tollund Man which stated that he lived around the 4th/5th century. The main preservations that help archaeologist the most include the noose, his intestines, and his body; mainly his face.
The most important, useful evidence that was preserved of Tollund Man was the noose that was in a coil knot around his neck. This immediately directs the noose as the cause of Tollund Man’s death in which he was hung or strangled. From the examinations and knowledge of hanging, it was found that Tollund Man was hung not strangled due to the marks imprinted by the rope. The mark was around the neck, under the chin but not at the back of the neck, where the knot was situated. This proves that he was not strangled because if he was, the mark would have been all around his neck whereas in this case it wasn’t. Moreover, the mark type was that of a person who was hung and further evidence of people who are hung today show the same mark Tollund Man was ...
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...s for Information about Mummies from Egypt and Around the World. Web. 5 May 2011. .
"Tollund Man, Jutland Peninsula in Denmark, Højgård Brothers , Silkeborg, Danish Peat Bogs, Underneath, Gold of Pleasure, Knotweed, Bristlegrass, and Camomile." Archaeology, Archaeologists, Important Archaeological Discoveries, Excavations, News, Ancient
Archaeology, Museums, Monuments, Archaeological Organizations, Epic Movies. Web. 13 May
2011. .
"The Tollund Man." The Tollund Man - A Face from Prehistoric Denmark. Web. 5 May 2011. .
Williams, Yona. "The Tollund Man." Unexplainable.Net- UFOS, Ghosts, Paranormal, 2012 And More- Latest News. Web. 12 May 2011. .
There are numerous unanswered questions surrounding the Northern European Bog Bodies phenomenon including "How, or why, or even when, the bodies became immersed in quagmires." (Turner, R.C, Scaife, R.G (ed.),1995,p.169). Despite vast amounts of evidence there are still no easy answers that account for the Iron age bodies. However there are four main competing theories providing possible causes including: the Sacrifice theory, Punishment theory, Boundary theory and the Accidental death theory. All these competing theories will be further examined and critically analysed throughout this text allowing us to depict the most convincing and plausible solution for the mystery of the Iron Age Bog Bodies.
The Mummy Case of Paankhenamun has great significant in that it provides us with very fundamental evidence from ancient history. It does not only exhibit a complex form of art, but it also demonstrates the religious practices of ancient Egyptians in association with their beliefs in life after death, as well as their great fascination with immortality. It not only teaches us about the great science of mummification, but it also provides us all with the incredible opportunity to learn about the life of an ancient person.
...ncyclopedia of Archaeology, Ed. Deborah M. Pearsall. Vol. 3. Oxford, United Kingdom: Academic Press, 2008. p1896-1905. New Britain: Elsevier, Inc.
The Egyptians during this period took ample time and detail on the mummification process to ensure a successful transition from the netherworld to rebirth. The Coffin of Tentkhonsu, 1025-980 B.C., it’s a depiction of how the Egyptians valued and honored their elite members of society, as well as their gods. The Coffin of Tentkhonsu, itself dates back to the III intermediate period in Egyptian culture. The Egyptian believe was to join Osiris, whom was believed to have ascended to Netherworld and accomplished eternal life.
Minthorn, Armand. "Human Remains Should Be Reburied." Kennewick Man Perspectives on the Ancient One (n.d.): 42-43. Web. 02 Apr. 2013.
“Mask of Agamemnon” and shaft graves are other important discoveries for Heinrich Schliemann. After leaving Turkey, Schliemann started digging in M...
Leif Erikson’s grandfather, Thorvald Asvaldsson slaughtered a man in Jæren, Norway in 960 CE. This was the age of the Vikings, but Thorvald was still banished from the land (Mandia, n.d.). So he brought his ten year old son Erik, later to be named as Erik the Red because of his scarlet hair, to Drangar in northwestern Iceland on a farm with rather appalling soil (Where is Vinland?, n.d.).
Through his poem, Ogden recites the tale of a Hangman who emotionlessly slaughtered an entire town. At first, they watched on “[out] of respect for his Hangman’s cloak”. Soon, as he took the life of another to “test the rope when the rope is new”, the village learned to part way “[out] of the fear of his Hangman’s cloak”. The opportunity presented itself time and time again, but only one person spoke against the murderer and was executed for doing so. The rest gave
The knot when made with a large enough diameter rope creates a noose. The wraps create a large cylinder mass right above the loop. When placed around the condemned’s neck the noose is usually putt behind the left ear. This knot was designed so that when the person being hanged fell, the knot would deliver a striking blow to the back of the head causing it to snap the fourth and fifth vertebrae in the spinal cord.
Teeter, E. Egyptian Art. Art Institute of Chicago Museum Studies, Vol. 20, No. 1 Ancient Art at The Art Institute of Chicago (1994), pp. 14-31
It is clear that tombs and burial rituals were a key element in the Egyptian society and their way of life as it ties into almost all things they did on a daily basis. Whatever a person’s status was when they were alive followed them into the afterlife. Food and luxury goods were buried with a person so that they could have it in the afterlife. The tombs became a person’s new house after they died. Therefore, making it as nice as possible was really important. Art work and clay models were added to a person’s tomb as material goods needed for the afterlife. They were also seen as decorations that kept the tombs looking nice. Throughout the years, Egyptian artworks on the inner parts of the tombs and on the coffins show a development in the Egyptian customs. Each new development was created to better preserve the bodies and comfort of the dead.
W. Raymond Johnson, The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, (1996), pp. 65-82, Date viewed 19th may, http://www.jstor.org/stable/pdfplus/3822115.pdf?&acceptTC=true&jpdConfirm=true
Perhaps the most notorious of burial practices originating in Egypt is that of mummification. Why such an extraordinary attempt was made to preserve cadavers may seem
The remains of ancient plants can provide a wealth of archaeological information about a site, with many methods being available to the archaeologist engaged in extracting this data. Perhaps one of the most widely-known of these techniques, possibly because of its attractive nature, is pollen analysis - a technique developed in the early years of the twentieth century by, like so many archaeological techniques, a geologist -- the Norwegian Lennart van Post. To understand the technique and the uses to which it may be put, we must first examine the biological nature of the material itself.
Burials are one of the main sources of knowledge concerning the Early Bronze Age. The most common practice during this time was placing several generations of one family in the same cave or tomb with a variety of offerings, such as pottery vessels, jewelry, and metal objects. In most cases, skeletal remains were found disarticulated with the skulls separated from the bodies. For example, at Tell Asawir bones were packed in pottery jars; at Azor there is some evidence of cremation; and at Jericho the skulls were separated and arranged in rows (Mazar 1990). Shaft tombs were found at some sites, such as the vast cemetery at Bab edhDhra’, where the Early Bronze Age I phase includes several thousand shaft tombs. As no settlement was established in this phase, the cemetery may have belonged to pastoral semi-nomads. This notion is supported by the method of burial––no more than six or seven individuals were found in each cave; each of these were disarticulated––the long bones arranged in one pile and the skulls laid out in a row (Mazar 1990). The flesh was probably extracted from the bones by boiling, a practice which would have suited the semi-nomadic lifestyle of those who may have kept the bones of the deceased in temporary graves or shelters until they could bring them to final burial in a more central or sacred cemetery (Mazar 1990). Multiple interment in caves continued into the Early Bronze Age II-III. This phase at Bab edh-Dhra’ includes rectangular burial chambers (Mazar 1990).