Hippocrates Research Paper

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Hippocrates was born in Kos in 460 BC during the Pre-Socratic age. He was a Greek physician who is regarded today as the father of medicine and its ethics. Hippocrates influenced medical science and its associated practices through his findings. The renown “Hippocratic Oath” was derived from his teachings. He taught medicine as an ethical and professional practice. Hippocrates created a separation between medical practices and supernatural beliefs. He insisted that physical illness was influenced by natural causes and not gods or spirits. He researched how a person’s diet and environment influence their general health and promoted the idea that phlegm and bile signified imbalances of the body and caused disease. Hippocrates influenced the medical approach of …show more content…

An interesting fact about Hippocrates is that his formal name was Hippocrates Asclepiades and meant "descendant of (the doctor-god) Asclepios." It’s ironic that his name held a clue about his life’s purpose. Hippocrates ended up becoming a modern version of a God - the father of medicine.

I selected Hippocrates because I have always been interested in the origin and meaning of the Hippocratic Oath. I was watching an episode of Grey’s Anatomy last week and a doctor was reprimanded and told that refusing to treat a patient based on their offensive beliefs would be breaking the Hippocratic Oath. I found it fascinating to learn that based on the Hippocratic Oath, a doctor can’t refuse treatment based on personal bias because it would be refusing to take action. I find it interesting that Hippocratic’s teachings were so highly regarded that they

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