Hinduism And Christianity Similarities Essay

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The Differences and Similarities of Hinduism, and Christianity

Since the beginning of time religion which the world English dictionary defines as a “belief in worship of, or obedience to a supernatural power or powers considered to be divine or to have control of human destiny” has been away for people with the same belief and traditions to come together and unite under the same banner regardless of where the religion was founded or the differences they have with other religions such as those in the Eastern religion of Hinduism or the Western religion of Christianity.
The Hindu religion is a polytheistic religion that has many different traditions, beliefs, and sects. It is the oldest of all the major religions in the world and has a following of nine million followers with the most living in India. Hinduism traces its roots back to the second millennium B.C., in the Indus Valley on the Indian continent and has no founder of the religion. The people of the Hindu faith worship in a place called a temple and look to a spiritual leader called a Guru or Sage to help guide them in attaining liberation from the cycle of reincarnation.
Christianity is a monotheistic religion and is the largest of the three Abrahamic religions with over two billions followers …show more content…

Another principle that is similar is the tolerance and acceptance of other people’s views even if they themselves do not share the same view this is seen practiced within each religions house, for example Christianity’s three denominations, acceptance and tolerance of each other even though they all believe in the same God/Jesus they all have different views on his teaching and meaning this also translates to Hinduism and their many sect that fall under

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