Hinduism And Christianity Similarities

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I was just about to go to church, as I was going I saw this big building with lots of different colors and a long spiky top, eventually, I realized it was a mandir the place Hindus pray. Over time I wanted to know about that religion I wanted to see how it differs from my religion Christianity. So i decided to research it.
Christianity and Hinduism are 2 different religion, there are lots of similarities and lots of differences, they were both founded in different places and founded by different people but they can both practice the same things sometimes different things. Some facts about the 2 religions are that Hindus pray in a temple known as a Mandir and Christians pray in a church, chapels…… Another thing about Christianity is that Christianity was founded in the "Roman Province Of Judea" while Hinduism was founded in Indian Subcontinent. Think about questions like " How Are they the same" and " How are they different".

Body Paragraph 1 Christianity!! …show more content…

It is the largest religion in the world having a staggering “ 2,100,000,000” ( Www.Patheos.com ). Christians basic believe is " One God: Father, son, and holy spirit ". ( Www.Diffen.com ). Christians worship on Sundays and pray in places like churches and chapels and other places. Christianity was founded by Jesus Christ was born in 6 B.C.E according to ( Www.Biography.com) in Bethlehem. He died in Jerusalem, Jesus was crucified which means “ To be put to death by nailing or binding the hands and feet to a cross. Christians do Holy Communions in the church and give bread aka Wafers and Wine for the forgiveness of sins, They do this because Jesus wanted them to do that to remember

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