Hildegard Peplau's Theory Of Interpersonal Relationship

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The Theory of Interpersonal Relationships
The theory of interpersonal relationships was created by Dr. Hildegard Peplau. According to (Haber, 2000), Peplau’s theory if interpersonal relationships are described as an art. This art is the use of care, advocacy, compassion, concern and a hands-on approach for the patient. Peplau called the nursing process an instrument to help nurses develop a more constructive learning. Peplau had three focal areas which are needed to be observed. The three areas are nursing behavior, the behaviors demonstrated by the patient and the type and quality of the relationship between patient and nurse. Peplau’s Theory has four overlapping phases in the nurse-patient relationship. The four phases of this relationship are orientation, identification, exploitation and lastly …show more content…

Patients will gain a rapport with a nurse if a relationship is made through the four phases of nurse-patient relationship (Senn, J.F., 2013) However, if nurses are inadequately educated on electronic charting and spending more time on the computer then with their patients then there is not enough time to gain an interpersonal relationship. If an interpersonal relationship is not created nurses will be unable to give adequate care because of the process of the four phases in a nursing-patient relationship (Peplau, 1952).
Research Methods If nurses are not receiving adequate education on how to properly perform and chart on EHR’s then patient satisfaction and care will be decreased and lead to patient harm. If the patient builds a relationship with nurses and has a resolution by the end of care in the hospital. Peplau’s four phases to creating an interpersonal relationship help gain rapport with patient’s and increase the change of behavior and involve health interventions (Peplau, 1952).

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