In India the transgender group is commonly called Hijras. The hijra population is the most visible (male to female) population in India and other transgender identities are associated with the hijra identity. They have religious-cultural and rich historical background. The term hijra is derived from the Urdu word meaning ‘impotent ones’, ‘eunuchs’ or hermaphrodites where the irregularity of male genitalia defines the term. “Within the Indian context the term hijra is used for people who identify themselves as neither man nor woman (Nanda, 14). In India the transgender group comprises of Hijras, eunuchs, Kothis, Aravanis, Jogappas, Shiv-Shakthis etc. and they, as a group, have got a strong historical presence in our country in the Hindu mythology …show more content…
Every hijra will have a guru when they join the community. The hijra household is organized as a commune. The members contribute all part or a part of their earnings to the households. In return they get a shelter and a ‘family’ which shares their conditions and feelings. They carry on with their business- begging, performing or prostitution. Hijras are also divided into houses, ‘gharanas’. (They may be thought of as symbolic descent groups like clans whereas households are communal living groups). Each house within a region has a leader called Naik and it is the leader of the houses in a region who get together nationally from time to time to decide policies for the Hijras in India as a whole to celebrate some events of national significance to them such as the death anniversary of a famous hijra leader. The Naik is the head of the gharana who is the primary decision maker and policy maker of the hijra community. There are many gurus who have many chelas under them. This tree spreads and there is a web of chelas, nati chelas( grand daughters) under the same house. Within the Hijra jammat system, the guru is the guardian of her chela. Chelas earn and give full or partial amount of their earnings to their respective guru. The guru has the right to keep the entire amount. In return the guru provides food, clothing and shelter to the chela. Young hijras get moral and emotional support from the community. Because of their feminine identity, hijras follow matrilineal relationship like sister, aunt, niece, grandmother, granddaughter etc. amongst themselves. (Nanda 1996; Lal 1999; Toumey 2008). Marriages occur among Hijra-Kothi communes . There are hijras who lead a family life being lovable companions. Emasculation is the major source of ritual power of the Hijras. “ It is the source of their uniqueness and the most authentic way of identifying oneself as a hijra and of being so identified by the larger society(Nanda, 24). The
Imagine going through life believing that you were born into the wrong body. This is how a transgender feels as they go through life. A transgender is a person who whose self-identity does not conform unambiguously to male or female sex. This topic is very controversial due to many arguments about the differences between the male and female physique. The natural biological differences between males and a females play a huge role in this controversy.
Transgender is defined by Wikipedia as, “the state of one's gender identity (self-identification as woman, man, neither or both) or gender expression not matching one's assigned sex.” The article explains how a transgender individual may define themselves as having the characteristics that are normally associated with a particular gender but will choose to identify elsewhere on the gender continuum. It use’s the love story of Rhys Ernst and Zackary Drucker as an example. It took five years for Zackary to transition from male to female and Rhys from female to male. But both truly believe that they were born the wrong gender, and choose to correct this wrong with hormone treatments, surgery and personality changes that to the more tradition eye may seem absurd and abnormal. This is one of the main reason such transgender couples are talking about their transformations. To beach this gap between transgender’s and the rest of the population. It is believed that by educating society, we are more likely to accept something than if we do not fully understand the parameters that surround such an issue.
Transphobia in Today’s Society: Tranny. He - She. Shemale. Is a shaman. It is a. Hermaphrodite.
Thailand beholds the highest rate of Transsexuals throughout the world. According to Sam Winter, the numbers differ from about 10,000 to (unofficial) 300,000. Even if the number of 10,000 was "an accurate one, it would still represent an incidence substantially above that estimated for transgender in most other parts of the world" (6). To explain the case for this high number of transsexuals, I will refer to the impact of localization of Buddhism in Thailand and how it leads to the understanding of transsexuals in the current day. I will conclude by giving an outline of its effect on tourism in Thailand.
Transgender Today Nowadays, there are lot of unexpected changes coming in our lives every day which are challenging to our society. Gender issues are one of the hot topics among new changes. Transsexuality is a critical part of this gender issue. After reading the article “Night to his day” by Judith Lorber, I found a clarification regarding the social construction of gender. While looking for some facts about transgender, I have also found a lot of articles with different points of views from researchers, scientists and individuals who have transformed from their origin to transgender men/women.
India has a wide range of transgender related identities, which include, the Hijras, Aravanis, Kothis, Jogtas/Jogappas and Shiv Shakthi. In the past they have been treated with great respect and even in present some are accorded particular respect. ‘Hijra’ is a Persian word translated as eunuch which is used in common parlance for transgender community in India. ‘Aravani’ is a term used for male-to-female transgender who undergo genital modification through SRS (Sex Reassignment Surgery) or perform Nirwaan, which is a traditional mode of castration. The nomenclature Kothi is used for those who adopt a feminine role in same sex relationships, but do not live in communes as Aravanis or undergo
One of the most important and essential things that everyone must have in order to live a great and joyful life is family. One must follow values to be successful in life, and one must also support their family to keep that success advancing toward the future. In David W. McCurdy’s article, “Family and Kinship in Village India,” it discusses the significance of how a successful family is formed by tradition, preparation, and patience. The article describes how kinship has the power to arrange marriages successfully, make families unite and assist each other, and teach and help one another agriculturally or economically.
In conclusion, Eastern and Western cultures clearly vary in the level of tolerance and acceptance they each have towards what is considered outside of the social norm for sex and gender. This is evident with the amount of acceptance of homosexuals and transsexuals in our everyday society as well as in some religious places of worship. There is also a great deal of tolerance for the idea of a third sex within the Indian and Hindu culture. Eastern cultures are definitely more accepting and open then Western cultures. Many studies have been done to prove this information and this paper draws on some of them.
Many people of the Muslim religion struggle with this identity because of such laws against the presence of homosexuality. It has been reported, although, that homosexuality is still prevalent in these countries, but happens in private and is not publicly exhibited (Kligerman, 2007). A news report stated that the government in Iran recognizes transgendered individuals, but recognizes them as having a psychosexual problem and suggests medical attention to try to solve this so-called problem (Bagri, 2017). One transgender individual mentioned that her life was far from normal and dealt with societal pressures her whole life. Doctors would not acknowledge that she was different and often would tell her that she would die or that there was no possible way she was born differently (Bagri, 2017). It was also reported in the same article by Bagri that it is said one must go through series of tests and even obtain a court order if that individual wanted to identify as the opposite sex and go forth with the transformtation (2017). Having such negative views of the individuals of the LGBT community and going through a long process just to be who you were meant to be causes more harm than good on these
The other source has been Puranas which are eighteen in number and contains information about the creation and dynasties of god, sages and kings and detailed description of yugas. All the sources are on the same footstep and no one has supremacy over the other.
Transsexual group is the smallest group in LGBT, they are people who feel they have a different gender than the gender they are born with. Transgender persons tend to go through a long period of time of gender confusion. Such as a boy panic because he always envy girls can wear skirts. Or a girl feel disgusted when she see the
Another factor is the issue of sexuality education is still considered a sensitive topic and thus give effect to the implementation, due to the constraints of culture and religion. Debate and lack of information on sexual diversity has led to concern in the society, since there is a tendency for consideration, discrimination stereotypes, and prejudice against homosexuals in the community (Low,2009). Online sexual activities or cyber become the next sexual revolution are indicated negative effects for those adrift cyberspaces. A healthy youth is fundamental to a precaution initiatives. Promoting sexual and reproductive needs and rights of our youth is required. Transgender people can be found worldwide, but their acceptance by society and their right to live with their preferable gender identity or expression varies according to culture and communities. So many factors that can contributed into the journey like religion, family and peer support, education, social status, poverty and personalities. For transgender people, that journey is challenged in almost stated by the external forces of stigma, punitive laws, and misunderstanding (Wei et all ,2012)
For example, some men and women may identify themselves as transvestites which are men who dress in women’s clothing. Others may consider themselves as transgendered. Transgender individuals are men and women who wish to or have undergone genital surgery to become the opposite sex. Lastly, citizens are able to associate themselves with the intersex group. Intersex groups are people whose genitals are not clearly male or female. India identifies individuals that fall into the third sex category as hijras. Some believe that hijras are men who worshiped a Hindu goddess by sacrificing their genitals and promising to live without sexuality (Brannon 2015). Hijras are also believed to have power to confer fertility and are often invited to special events (Brannon 2015). India is not the only country that believes third sex citizens have spiritual callings on their
Transgender identified people are those who identifies with another gender from which they were given to at birth. For example, a female sex assigned girl or woman transition man, or a male sex assigned boy or man to a woman. Transsexual identified people are those that identify with a sex different than assigned. For example a female sex assigned person who identifies as male and vice versa. In some other cultures, such as the Native American culture give the freedom for transgender identified people to be able to live as they identify. Today the western ideology shut out and out casts trans people. Europeans have always out casted trans people. Beemyn (2014:504) states “The Europeans nations that colonized what is today the United States rejected and often punished perceived instances of gender nonconformity. But many Native American cultures at the time of European conquest welcomed and had recognized roles for individuals who assumed behaviors and identities different from those of the gender assigned to them
Islam is the religion of peace. It is not a new religion revealed by the creator Allah Subhana Wa Tala through all His Prophet in every era and to every people Islam is not only a religion it is also a manual of life. Followers of Islam have to submit their wills to God and have to admit that God is one and He is Allah who runs the entire universe. The key of Islam is