High School Christmas Research Paper

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In this essay, I will show the comparisons and the contrasts of two subjects. I have decided to compare and contrast celebrating Halloween and celebrating Christmas. Major similarities in these holidays are that both are full of tons of yummy treats and recipes. Another similarity is that the two holidays tend to make people who celebrate go completely ballistic in decorating their houses to the maximum. A big difference in the holidays is the atmosphere of them and the feelings/emotions you can get from the both. Another difference is the religious and spiritual backgrounds of both holidays.
A major similarity in the two holidays is the wide variety of super delicious treats and recipes. Both holidays tend to carry traditions in the things …show more content…

And then there are the delicious foods commonly associated with Christmas like candy canes, gingerbread men, And hot chocolate. Both of these holidays are full of baked goods as well like apple pies for Christmas and pumpkin pies for Halloween. During these two holidays, it's almost a guarantee that you will gain a couple of pounds or get a couple of cavities from the huge abundance of treats especially those large pillowcases full of trick or treating candy on Halloween. A difference between the two holidays is the atmosphere and the emotions you get from the two. Christmas is associated with warm happy and comforting feeling.While Halloween is more commonly associated with spooky, scary, and creepy feelings. But of course that also completely depends on the person like for me Halloween is warm, happy, and comforting. Examples of this are also very noticeable in the films and books associated with the two holidays, for example, Christmas movies are very happy heartwarming and are usually made for the whole family to watch together movies like this is Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer, Jack Frost, And Frosty The Snowman. On the other hand, Halloween movies are usually made to make you scared and get creeped out examples of this

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