High Fidelity by Nick Hornby

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An Uncommitted Child

The novel, High Fidelity by Nick Hornby describes the life of a man who lives through his music and his childish ways. Rob Fleming is a man who struggles with commitment when it comes to what he needs, yet commits to what he wants. This lack of commitment leaves Rob struggling with the relationships with the people in his daily life. Living his life in a careless and childish manner Rob Fleming burns the bridges with those who are close to him, and as a result realizes how much he truly cares for them when it’s too late.

There were many jobs that Rob had taken during the years; with each job he has there is a lack of passion and drive which results in his lack of commitment. Even from the beginning of the novel, Hornby writes, “Later I could see that it was a false momentum, because it didn’t belong to me at all” (Hornby 87). In the late 80s Rob was a DJ at a “club”, he loved the music and the feeling it gave him and the crowd he played for. As a DJ, Rob realized that the environment wasn’t from him, but the music that he played for others, it wasn’t his. Th...

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