Hidden Literary Devices In Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

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In any text wither it be a short story or a book you will find many hidden literary component throughout the text. These devices can range from symbolism to foreshowing, but understanding text is not just bound to these devices, but it is also important to understand narrative perspective or if the text is referring to a bigger picture. A great example of a text that exemplifies all of these literary devices is the story “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorn. In this story the main character Goodman Brown leaves his wife Faith in the middle of the night to go on a walk to ponder about life and his own faith. Upon the walk he comes to meet a stranger, who appears to be the devil and has been waiting for Goodman the whole time. As the story progress Goodman is led by the devil and is shown what people are doing, which makes Goodman’s faith and innocence falter. However, this is the whole story and I have chosen the first page of “Young Goodman Brown” to further analyze. “Young Goodman Brown” starts off with the main character Goodman and his wife Faith talking in their home about how Goodman had to go out tonight on a personal journey to find himself. While this all figured out because the narrative of the story is third person, where the narrative is not omniscient. This means that the narrative of
For example, when Goodman goes to see the devil, his faith is faltering. This page is trying to show how even a strong man beliefs and ideas can falter easily. Although, it does not say what led Goodman to lose his beliefs it is still apparent that it is happening in his line “Faith kept me back awhile” (pg. 1) Goodman would not have said this if his faith was not faltering, but his faith is still there as well or faith would have never kept him back. This passage as itself does not say that much, but when compared to the story as a whole shows the progression of Goodman’s loss of

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