Heroism Essay

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Heroism When you think about a hero do you think of a superhero or a real life person? There are many different types of figures that can be considered heroic. These heroes can be your every day run of the mill person or they can be a figure in a movie or an animal. Let 's take Superman for example, many people have the idea that this iconic fictitious figure is what a hero is supposed to be. With his courageous efforts to save people in need, Superman has instilled one view of heroism into the standards of society today. Superman is a character that was made by a person with an idea on how they wanted to show someone doing acts of good. Children and adults across the world know who Superman is and what he stands for. …show more content…

As well as for the natural disasters that have happened in the past like hurricane Katrina and the huge lightning strike fires that happened in California during 2008 that left many people went without food or water or shelter. There were many organizations that helped by contributing the items that were needed for the people that lost their homes or were displaced by these disasters. Heroism is something that someone does selflessly without the thought of consequences that may occur after the fact. For instance the school teacher Victoria Leigh Soto from Sandy Hook Elementary who selflessly gave her life protecting her students from a gunman. Her act of heroism defines itself justly, she thought of her students safety first before her own and protected the children from the gunman who shot and killed her, by throwing herself into the path of the bullets from the gunman. The news of Victoria’s death raced across the news and many people were affected by her actions to protect the children she had in her classroom. The news was worldwide and many people mourned the loss of such a caring selfless person who lost her …show more content…

Charging into battle with swords drawn is typically the way that bravery is viewed. Many things that a person can do can be constituted as heroic helping someone in need or simply saving someone’s life. Showing a heroic act of bravery such as running into a burning building to save a family is a prime example of just that. Stopping along the side of the road to help a couple change a tire may also be viewed as heroic. A person 's actions may be construed as heroic just by them going out of their way to help someone who is in need of help. With all the acts of heroism that go un-noticed daily that does not mean that they do not happen or are not as significant as other acts of heroism. It means that they have not been thrown into the limelight of daytime television. Things that nurses and doctors do daily are acts of heroism saving people 's lives every day, but they are just doing their job, therefore they go un- noticed by the public. Firefighters and Policemen and women have more of an upstanding media spotlight so to speak so their heroic acts are displayed on the nightly news. Your average

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