Here I Stand: A Life Of Martin Luther, By Roland H. Bainton

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Have you ever wondered how difficult it is to stay strong in your beliefs? “Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther” is a biography written by Roland H. Bainton. It tells the story of a German boy named Martin Luther who was born in the Holy Roman Empire during the late 1400s. Martin’s father, Hans Luther, was determined to see his son become a lawyer however, that plan went away when Martin was almost struck by a bolt of lightning around twenty-one years of age. Drowning in his own fears of impending death, Martin Luther promised to God that if He spared Martin’s life, Martin would become a monk. Although Martin Luther was expected to become a lawyer by his professors and parents, he became a monk and transformed the ways Christians thought about salvation. …show more content…

He had much difficulty understanding how Jesus could be the Savior of the World, when he easily regarded Jesus as the “Vengeful One”. This sent Martin Luther into a state of distress, something not even prayer could heal. After consulting many religious men, a close friend told Martin to teach students theology at a university in Worms; after all, the best way to be healed is by healing others in the process. Before traveling to Worms, Martin Luther went on a pilgrimage to Rome, something he had never done before. Needless to say, Martin found the Church and the Monks of Rome strange, in a way. The Church’s leaders made claims that had no Biblical text to back up their answers to the unknown, and the Monks of Rome were committing acts no monk in Germany, or Luther in his case, would ever do. Luther’s curiosity and thirst for knowledge is what sparked the beginning of the new Protestant

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