Henry's Interview Paper

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Question 1: My biggest concern for Henry is his physical health related to his recent hospitalization for COPD; coupled with, his anxiety of worrying about his wife, Ertha. In reaction to his interview, the cause of my concern is due to the changes in his life in the “last two to three years,” which includes: the declining mental state of his wife, and his lack of support. Henry and Ertha’s son died 10 years ago which was their only child, and from his interview, the only family they now have is a daughter - in - law Betty and a grandson who lives a couple hours away. Henry stated, “their life has not been the same since the death of their son. He is concerned with daily responsibilities of taking care of his wife such as bathing and preparing meals, and the …show more content…

Question 3: In my opinion, Henry does not have a solid support system. Betty, the daughter-in-law lives a couple of hours away and cannot attend to the daily needs of both Ertha and Henry; However, Henry can utilize his church more. Henry should look into what support groups his church offers; for example, they may be able to help prepare meals and help with Ertha a couple days a week, so Henry has more time for his self. Question 4: I believe Henrys strength is love and family. He loves his wife which gives him the strength to care for her daily. Patience is another strength Henry has to exhibit to deal with his wife’s diminishing memory. In his interview, he states that he loses his patience when she leaves the stove on, can’t find her keys and forgets what day it is, but in my opinion, he exhibits an abundance of

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