Henderson’s Principles and Practice of Nursing: Can it be applied in Acute Care?

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There are many ways that nursing theory can be applied to practice. Nursing theories can be used to guide practice, to create documentation, or to set standards of care. This paper will be applying Virginia Henderson’s grand nursing theory “The Principles and Practice of Nursing” to a case study in acute care. I will begin this paper by describing the case study from the acute care setting. I will then describe Virginia Henderson’s theory, her assumptions, key concepts, and the focus of the theory. I will conclude this paper by outlining how this theory can be applied to the case study. Since I have explained the purpose of the paper I will illustrate the case study next.
First, I am going to outline the case study from the acute care setting. The case study I will be using is of an elderly female with Crohn’s disease. The patient had a few supportive care needs. The patient could not perform most self-care needs, the patient could not perform peri care, bathe herself, dress herself, and would not perform her daily exercises; the patient suffered from anxiety and needed emotional support; the patient knew about her medical condition and only needed reinforcement of that knowledge; the patient did not need any supportive care with her spiritual needs; the patient has social support from her son and other members in her community; and the patient does not need any support with her practical or material needs. Now that case study has been discussed, I will describe Virginia Henderson’s theory.
Second, I will explain the assumptions; the concepts; and the focus of “The Principles and Practice of Nursing.” Henderson’s first assumption is nurses care for patients until patients can care for themselves once again (Henderson, 1991). H...

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...arious sources to show how Henderson’s theory is still being applied in practice today. When nursing theory is used to guide practice it can improve practice, patient outcomes, and overall health.

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