Hectical Prayers

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Prayers for Peace During the Hectic Holiday Season

Is your inner-peace in short supply during the holidays? Is your stress level on tilt? Does it seem like everyone wants a little piece of you? Are you tempted to go on strike until after the holidays? Not that you’d do anything that drastic…

For therapy that works, take it to God in prayer. Peace is one of God’s promises. What better time to claim his peace than during the hectic holidays?

Pre-emptive Prayers for Holidays

The Lord will give strength to his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace. – Psalm 29:11

The hustle-bustle associated with holidays begins “Black Friday” (day after Thanksgiving) and typically, doesn’t ease-up until January 2. Consider noting a start date on your calendar to begin pre-emptive prayers.

Don’t consider this a punitive …show more content…

Pray for the at-home family’s resilience and patience while they wait for the deployed to return safely. Pray for peace on earth, so that all our military members may return home and rest in the arms of God.

Twilight Prayers

At twilight time, whether dusk or dawn, the world, bathed in a golden light, seems a little softer and a lot more peaceful. In the weeks leading up to Christmas, you may have been operating on the grope-and-hope method. You’re likely exhausted. So, claim Christmas Day (dawn) twilight as your sacred time with God.

Ask God to help you remember to breathe, when the day gets chaotic. When your home environment is like a battlefield, deep breathing helps center you and restores inner-peace.

This day too will end. Find joy in the good stuff and just soldier through the bad stuff (like when Uncle Al drinks too much and gets disruptive).

Before the big meal, remind your guests and family of the Reason for the Season. Hold hands as the table is blessed. Bless the hands that prepared the food. Thank God for your many blessings.


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