Hear My Cry

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Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry is a about an African American Mississippi family in the Great Depression. This was no ordinary family, however. This family owned land. At this time a black family owned land were viewed as a threat to white people. The logan family and family friends were often times found in conflict as a result of the harsh prejudice placed upon black people.
The setting of this book is highly significant. If this book had another setting it wouldn't quite make sense. The setting is Mississippi, a southern state, during a time where hate crimes were committed quite often. The judicial system in the south during these times was very biased, and an African American could literally get put to death for stealing a candy bar. This is a highly dramatic setting as well. It adds a lot of understanding to all major conflicts in the novel.
The main character in this story is Cassie Logan. She and her three brothers go through an extremely tough time in this story. They go through everything from racist driven petty things to the death of a friend. Cassie's age contributes a lot to this story. Since Cassie is about 10 years old she doesn't fully understand everything that happens and why they happen. This book is written in first person so the reader knows her thoughts and feelings, but not everyone else's. This provides a better grasp on Cassie's inner conflicts.
This book is filled with racial stereotyping, hate crimes, battles, and more. Cassie is constantly in trouble with the white characters.
She stands up for herself constantly which is not acceptable. Her actions put the whole family in danger because the "night men" don't allow such behavior.
Cassie's mother, Mary, is in constant battle for better education wit...

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...face. Because of this relatability, I believe black people would enjoy this more than any other race.The conundrums, twists, and turns are relatable to the African American community and keep a constant connection between the reader and the characters. This book is the perfect mix of the literary elements. This book has many conflicts and each one is a little more engaging than the last. It had me on the edge of my seat the entire time! Once I picked this book up I could not put it down. This is one of the most touching and moving pieces of literature I have ever read. It really opens ones eyes to the hardships we don’t have to go through on a day-to-day basis. When I was finished this book all i could say to myself was, “Wow, thank God I don’t have to go through that”. If I had to rate this book on a 5 star scale I would give it 5 out of 5 stars without a doubt.

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