Health Care Shortage In Canada

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4.0 Health Workforce
Insufficient training in healthcare professions leads to shortage of health workforces in Canada, such as nurses and physicians. In 2014, the physician-to-population ratio is 224 physicians per 100,000 people, which showed the number of physicians was increasing and reached the highest rate. However, only 51% of physicians are family doctors, thus there is still about 15% of Canadians reported that they did not have a regular medical doctor (The College of Family Physicians of Canada, 2016). Compared to Canada, Australia and France are achieving better health outcomes with a higher physician-population ratio (Hutchison, Levesque, Strumpf, & Coyle, 2011). Therefore, lack of physicians in Canada is a serious problem negatively …show more content…

In 2015, comparing with 35 OECD countries, Canadian government’s spending on healthcare reached CA$242 billion, which is 10.4% of Canada’s GDP and each Canadian received CA$5782 on healthcare in average – less than in the United State of America (CA$ 11,916); more than in Australia (CA$5631) and the United Kingdom (CA$5170) (OECD Health Statistics 2017, 2017). Hospital, drugs and physician services are remaining the three highest spending on the Canadian Healthcare system, in which more than 60% of total health expenditure is expected in 2017 (Canadian Institute for Health Information, 2017a). Hospital costs is the largest contributor with CA$1871 per person, estimating 1.9% further growth on hospital spending in 2017 due to continuous salary expenditure on health workforce. In addition, fund spending on drugs and physician services also reported with 4.2% and 3.4% increasing rates separately. However, some hospital services, such as dental care and surgery, are excluded from the Medical Care Plan, causing one in three Canadians need to pay extra private insurance for covering the excluded costs (Canadian Institute for Health Information, 2017a). This explains Canada will experience financial pressure on healthcare system development if the total health expenditure continues to

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