Healing after been a Victim of Abuse

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In a perfect world, everyone would be born with an impeccable sense of self. We would be welcomed and wanted and experience the type of up-bringing that fostered development of a complete knowledge of value and self-worth. Every individual would gain a clear sense of purpose and a true understanding of the gifts buried within them. This knowledge would give rise to diligence and focus that, coupled together with love and support, would encourage each individual to grow and build those gifts to their fullest extent; the fruit of such feeding the nations in both body and spirit. Oh, to live in such a place.

Sadly, these words do not describe our existence. Our world is far from perfect. And, in its marred state, has delivered to us many evils. Poverty, injustice, and oppression are examples of revolting powers at work. Unfortunately, they seemingly operate freely as toxic rulers whose putrid waste flows throughout our land swirling together and contaminating everything in its path. Despite our best efforts, their poisonous drops have found their way into every place, infecting each of us to some degree. Its result is undeniable. Exposure is easily confirmed by its symptoms; hatred, anger, violence, abuse and more. Even surface-level examinations reveal the overwhelming effect on humanity.

These ills are severe and far-reaching. Particularly atrocious is the affect on love. With such an outpour of pain and offense, the love of many has diminished. This lack of love is demonstrated by our shrinking revere and dwindling respect for life. Instead of a warm welcome, many, if birthed at all, are born into unspeakable conditions. Others, received into better circumstances, are soon damaged by horrible events. Some manage to fare w...

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...in this world that allows us to grow and share the fruit of our God-given gifts with others. Today, my favorite role to play is reconnecting lost souls to The Source of life and love. Thank God for Jesus Christ our Savior whose pure love is able to save us from every one of this world’s ills.

My prayer for you is God’s perfect healing and His peace.

Works Cited

Fontaine, M. (n.d.). The Atlantic. Retrieved from http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2013/01/america-has-an-incest-problem/272459/

Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.rainn.org/get-information/types-of-sexual-assault/incest

Renaul, K. (n.d.). I know now. Retrieved from http://www.iknownow.net/info/Incest-Sex-Statistics-in-America/720201.html

V-Day. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.vday.org/take-action/violence-against-women/incest#.UricqdJDuSo

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