Hazda Tribe In Western Society

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The Hazda tribe within the Amazon is powerful, strong and resilient. They live within dangerous conditions including poisonous animals, poisonous plants, and weather conditions that could be fatal to anyone that cannot adapt quickly. People in the western world may consider their way of living outdated and not efficient but in light of globalization and an increasingly interconnected world, the rest of the world can learn a vast amount of knowledge from the Hazda- from their lifestyle, how free they appear to be, and even how they use all parts of their supplies taken from nature. For example, when Michael was talking about things he appreciated from the Hazda, he stated “There are things I envy about the Hazda- mostly, how free they appear to be. Free from possessions. Free of most social duties. …show more content…

Free of many family responsibilities. Free from schedules, jobs, bosses, bills, traffic, taxes, laws, news and money. Free from worry. Free to burp and fart without apology, to grab food and smoke and run shirtless through the thorns.” (Finkel, 7). From this quote, it is clear that western society puts many restrictions on people which causes an effect that people cannot grow from, expand from, and develop themselves into being who they want to be without facing consequences from the implications from society. However those who decide to live just as the Hazda do, face strong judgement, prejudice and hardship through their lives as they decide not to conform to what society deemed acceptable. People within society who are prejudice against the selection of the population that decide to be unique have much to learn from the Hazda as they do not judge those who are different, but instead live their own lives to the fullest

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