When an Egyptian Pharaoh is pictured, it is normally a person with a very elegant crown and well-designed clothing, but most importantly a Pharaoh is depicted as a man. In the history of Egypt, though, some Pharaohs were actually women, just like the case of Hatshepsut. There were other women rulers of Egypt, and when asked which one is most recognized, it is probably Cleopatra, but Hatshepsut deserves just as much respect as Cleopatra for the way she obtained the title of Pharaoh. She not only broke the traditional laws of Egypt when becoming Pharaoh, but Hatshepsut let nothing stop her from becoming a future Pharaoh of Egypt. Developing into a Pharaoh was not a simple task, but to become Pharaoh “Hatshepsut made the most extraordinary move ever made by an Egyptian, or any other woman” (Wells 185). The move to follow her dreams were filled with lots of struggles, and the major struggle that was in her way was being a woman when most Pharaohs are men. Another struggle was her stepson Tuthmosis III, and his journey to become the next Pharaoh. The last struggle was to keep her legacy known after her death to show the Pharaoh she really was. Through all the battles to become Pharaoh, Hatshepsut stayed strong to become a person many women could not be in that specific time period. Hatshepsut, no doubt, had struggles through her destination of becoming a Pharaoh, but she fought through each battle in becoming one of the most known and popular Pharaohs of Egypt.
To understand the struggles of Hatshepsut, there has to be some history about her journey to become Pharaoh of Egypt. History tells that most heirs come from the bloodline of the past royal family. Hatshepsut had that advantage, because “Thutmose had no surviving sons with his...
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...). Hatshepsut did not stop flying after she took office, and with that flight she took on people she did not know she would have too. She took on the citizens of Egypt in proving a woman was fit for the job, took on her own stepson, and took on keeping her legacy known for the entire world. For all those battles throughout her journey, Hatshepsut stayed strong so that she could help the country she loved. Hatshepsut may not be the most famous Pharaoh of Egypt, she sure was important for the legacy of Egyptian history.
Works Cited
Galford, Ellen. Hatshepsut: The Princess who Became King. Washington D.C: The National Geographic Society, 2005. 1-59. Print.
Roehrig, Catharine H. Hatshepsut: From Queen to Pharaoh. New York: The metropolitan Museum of Art, 2006. 1-296. Print.
Wells, Evelyn. Hatshepsut. New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1969. 1-267. Print.
In this essay I will be comparing the two pharaohs Khufu (Koo - Foo) and Hatshepsut (haht-SHEP-soot). I will be comparing their achievements what they built and their time period. Come along and explore the depths of Ancient Egypt.
Hatshepsut, declared herself king during the reign of her stepson and nephew, Thutmose III. She adopted the full titulary of a pharaoh, and since this was traditionally a man’s role, she wore the nemes-headcloth, the shendyt-kilt and a fake beard as part of the ceremonial attire of the Egyptian king. This is portrayed in her life-size statue “White Hatshepsut” at the MET.
Hatshepsut’s reign especially leaves much to the scholar’s speculation and interpretation since little evidence is left. The reader must acknowledge how an author’s views may be construed by sexism and other concepts prevalent in their time. What these five authors imply about Hatshepsut’s personality and attitude concerning her political ascent, her usage of propaganda, and her achievements during that time all differ from each other, some more drastically than others. This certainly shows that when one reads of history, their research should span as far as possible in order to most accurately inform themselves of what truly happened; it is from there that they can formulate the best
Before Hatshepsut, there were other woman who attempted to rule over Egypt. Every time a woman came to power, there was some sort of problem that was left for them to solve. Unlike Hatshepsut, the other woman did not have any confidence to name themselves pharaoh and they did not grow up in the royal family like Hatshepsut did. In paragraph 13, it states, “A few women had tried to rule Egypt before, but never would search valid claim to the throne,” and, “These women had not ruled long or well and neither had had the audacity to proclaim herself pharaoh.” These quotes explain that Hatshepsut was recognized for taking power at a good time and not stepping
The large kneeling statue of Hatshepsut (~1470 BCE), (Figure 3-21 [pg. 70] in “Art Through the Ages”) depicts the female pharaoh Hatshepsut, seated on her knees with a jar in each hand.
The fundamental features of the Warrior Pharaoh image during New Kingdom Egypt included; leading his soldiers into battle and returning in victory, attacking the enemy in his horse-drawn chariot which was adopted from the Hyksos, wearing war regalia , larger than life expectations and finally offering the spoils of war to the god Amun, the inspiration of his victory. Due to the absence of the their pharaohs on military campaigns, the Queens began to play a more prominent role within the New Kingdom Egypt’s society, however this was a short term consequence of the civil war as it was only necessary when the Pharaoh left to go to war or on a campaign. The rise in roles and prominences amongst the Queen’s slowly decreased towards the end of the war until Hatshepsut comes into power. After this the Queen’s involvement seems to disappear and we begin to no longer hear about
Hatshepsut was born in 1508 B.C., daughter of Thutmose I. Thutmose I was the third king of the 18th century, son of a military man. He did not take to the throne as son of a former king, but due to unknown circumstances he rose to the throne. His reign ended in 1493B.C.. Thutmose I was succeeded by his son Thutmose II. After the death of Hatshepsut’s father at age twelve,
Robins, Gay. "The Names of Hatshepsut as King." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 85 (1999): 103-12. Jstore. Web. 8 Dec. 2013. .
Ancient Egypt is home to one of the greatest female pharaoh. Queen Hatshepsut. She was the first female pharaoh and did great things.
An essential characteristic for being a great leader, consistent within many, is confidence. A person may have ideas, but for them to be carried out takes confidence in themselves to bring those ideas to reality. Hatshepsut portrayed herself as a very confident woman by taking the initiative to do things that only Pharaoh’s would commonly do, such as performing certain religious rituals, making offerings directly to the gods, and commissioning various building projects. These actions made it evident that she saw herself as important and powerful, and others soon believed this as well; she was considered as God’s wife of Amen and became a priestess in temple rituals. Hatshepsut also depicted herself as a male—she dressed in a kilt, crown, and wore an artificial beard. This clearly shows that she had great ambition to be King, as she took on the daring task of creating a false persona just so that she could reach her goal. Despite the typical male dominating society, Hatshepsut displayed confidence in herself that she could become ...
It was created during her reign in the 18th dynasty (c.1479 – 1458 B.C.E) it was made of limestone and is approximate 763/4 inches in height. In this sculpture Hatshepsut is seated on a throne and depicted in the traditional ceremonial attire of a male Egyptian pharaoh. This ceremonial dress includes the masculine “pharaonic nemes headdress”2 which would have had a uraeus adornment, before its destruction, which was associated with the sun god. However, the image also has some feminine qualities, these are exhibited in the softness and roundness of the facial features of the image as well as the torso being distinctly feminine. Some historians believe that this sculpture focuses on Hatshepsut’s femininity because of how she is rendered and also because the kingly titles inscribed on the sides of the throne were feminized to described Hatshepsut as “the Perfect Goddess, Lady of the Two Lands (Upper and Lower Egypt)” and “Bodily Daughter of Re (the sun god).1”This image is very different compared to the very masculine portrayal of the
Hatshepsut - The Woman Who Was King. 2014. Hatshepsut - The Woman Who Was King. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.discoveringegypt.com/Hatshepsut.html. [Accessed 26 February 2014].
Was she the archetypal wicked stepmother, an unnatural and scheming woman ?of the most virile character who would deliberately abuse a position of trust to steal the throne from a defenceless child? (Gardiner, 1961:184)? Or was she ?an experienced and well-meaning woman who ruled amicably alongside her stepson, steering her country through twenty peaceful, prosperous years who deserves to be commemorated among the great monarchs of Egypt? (Budge, 1902:I)? According to biographer and historian Joyce Tyldesley, Queen or as she would prefer to be remembered, King Hatchepsut became the female embodiment of a male role, whose reign was a carefully balanced period of internal peace, foreign exploration and monument building (Tyldesley, 1996:1). This study will show that it was Hatshepsut the Pharaoh?s devotion to the god Amen and her protection of the maat of 18th Dynasty Egypt that allowed her to forge her successful New Kingdom regime.
To me, under Hatshepsut ruling as a pharaoh, Egypt was able to explore, grow, and expand in buildings. Not only did she allow the trade routes to expand to the Land of Punt which became a major trade partner for supplying Egypt, she grew Egypt with hundreds of grand buildings and architects. Also, she flourished Egypt and her reign was not a warlike reign, it was more of a peaceful one. Under Egypt, Hatshepsut was a powerful ruler, a religious leader, and a successful pharaoh.
... middle of paper ... ... Saying that she was devoted to her empire and raising her children doesn’t seem fitting enough for all that Cleopatra has done. She would be the last Egyptian queen we would ever know, but also the most famous female ruler in world history. Bibliography Burstein, Stanley Mayer.