Harry Potter Sorcerer's Stone

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Enter into an extraordinary world filled with spells, potions, mystical creatures, flying brooms, and many adventures! The world of Harry Potter certainly is an adventure to people of all ages containing a plot like no other novel that has ever been published. However, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone should not be published based on its plot alone. This book should be published based on its characters that tweens and teens can directly relate to and adults can remember relating to. Throughout the story, Harry, Hermione, and Ron experience the insecurities of adolescence as they search for acceptance through their time at Hogwarts. They are the three essential main characters in this book who are on this journey and without them, Hogwarts …show more content…

Harry, Ron, and Hermione are certainly no exception to this as the one thing that they all have in common is the desire to be accepted. For the majority of Harry’s life he lives with his aunt, uncle, and cousin Dudley. The Dursley’s are not accepting of Harry to say the least as they constantly taunt and abuse Harry throughout the book as “they are insensitive to his grief, actively degrade his parents’ memory, keep Harry in relative social isolation in the cupboard under the stairs, and do not encourage him to have friends” (Hook 93). Harry feels accepted for the first time in his life the night that Hagrid visits him to tell him that he is a wizard and has been accepted into Hogwarts School of Wizardry. Harry is ecstatic at first but quickly becomes immersed in anxiety as he realizes that he already has a great reputation as “the boy who lived” to live up to all while he has not grown up in a wizarding family and knows nothing about the wizarding world. Harry feels like a bit of a fraud going into Hogwarts and he is just hoping to be accepted by his peers. Even though the journey was not easy, Harry earns Gryffindor the last sixty points for the House Cup “for pure nerve and outstanding courage” (Rowling

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