Harrison Bergeron Gender Equality Essay

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The search for equality in “Harrison Bergeron” can be related to various issues in today’s society such as public health care and same-sex marriage.. As a society America prides itself on being a place where all men are created equal but are all men truly created equal? Or does the “Constitution only formally recognize equality for most citizens” (Merritt)? All citizens must abide by the same laws but not all citizens are afforded the same rights or opportunities. All men are created equal but healthcare is only for people who can afford private insurance. The passing of Proposition 8 asserts that marriage is only recognized as a union between a man and a woman but according to Chief Justice Ronald George, “same-sex couples still have the right to domestic partnerships resembling marriage” (“Setback for Equality”) but these domestic partnerships are a façade created by the government and …show more content…

The government is downplaying the injustices placed upon same-sex couples by affording them a union that resembles marriage. America claims to be a place of constant evolution and growth but it still cannot redefine its principles to meet the changing needs of a modern society. Prohibiting same-sex marriage and refusing medical care to individuals is denying citizens of their human rights, which puts us in a position that is far from that utopian dream where all men are created equal.

Unlike American society, Bergeron’s society prides itself on equality on all levels and at all costs. At first glance Harrison Bergeron’s world seems like a utopian society based on equality and balance but as we read we begin to see that this balance is not organic. In an attempt to create a society where “everybody was finally equal [not only] equal before God and the law. [But] they were equal in every which way” (Vonnegut 1513) citizens

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