Hardership Letter: A Letter To A Hardship Letter

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A loan modification hardship letter is a formal way to request a modification to a loan. This letter is the place where the borrower can express his or her financial troubles in personal terms to have the best chance to stop a foreclosure or receive better terms on an outstanding loan. Banks and other lenders don’t want to know the life history of a borrower, but they want to know that he or she has a legitimate reason for requesting help.

The two main reasons a borrower needs modification on a loan are job loss and medical issues. However, other reasons may be divorce, death of a spouse, newborn child, military duty and relocation. Other possibilities are a failed business or a business that is suffering from an economic slowdown.

Borrowers …show more content…

This is not the place to complain about life’s slings and arrows. The reason for the hardship should be stated matter-of-factly. The borrower should clearly state the ways in which he or she is planning to correct their financial situation. They may need to give proof that they are searching for a job, or give medical records that show they will be able to work at a specified …show more content…

Personal letters are more likely to be viewed as genuine and not from a template.

There are a few things that should not be included in a loan modification letter. First, the letter should not give a long and detailed narration of the hardship. The letter should clearly state the facts of the hardship. The borrower should not exaggerate his or her hardship. The letter should be honest and not put the blame on someone else for the hardship.

Below is a sample loan modification hardship letter. Since it is a formal document and will become part of the borrower’s and lender’s permanent file, it should be written in formal business style and sent by certified mail. The letter should be succinct and not more than one page. The borrower should keep a copy of the letter as well as the receipt that proves the lender received it.

Name of Borrower
Address of Borrower
City, State, Zip

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