Hang Up And Drive Thomas Paine Summary

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When there is a conflict it leads to mostly negative changes. Meaning when there is a problem something bad happens. In the articles “Hang Up and Drive”, “ Pizza Problems”, “ How do people change a community”, “ The Boston Massacre”, “ Summer: 15 Days or 2 ½ Months?” and “ Common Sense” by Thomas Paine it demonstrates when there is a problem, consequences come with it. Conflict can cause change in community, education, and in ones perspective. In the article “ Hang Up and Drive” the author discusses how many people use cell phones on the road, which can lead to a negative change in the community. First, the author explains the results of what happen when people use their phones on the road by stating “ cell phones use by drivers lead to at least 1,000 deaths per year in California,” in addition to what s/he pointed out, s/he believes that California needs laws that restrict the use of cell phones in cars to prevent negative changes. Even when the problem is resolved it there’ll be peace on the road but there are still those certain people that do what they desire and still use cell phones while driving. In addition the article entitled “ How do …show more content…

The anonymous source denies that they struck the club first and that the British army shot first. They claimed that they said foul language and carried bayonets and were armed with weapons. S/he emphasizes that Great Britain sent the army to cover haste decisions. In the book “Common Sense” from Thomas Paine he argues for independence from Great Britain but the consequences were people dying which caused a negative change for the colonist because many people could not make it alive. Thomas Paine states, “Everything that is right or natural begs for separation. The blood of the slain, the weeping voice of nature cries, “Tis time to

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