Hamlet Precis

1941 Words4 Pages

Name of Playwright

William Shakespeare

Title of Play

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark

Date of Composition

Late 1599 or 1600


Claudius, King of Denmark: Deceitful, Power driven, And Unrighteous.

Hamlet: Grief Stricken, Angry, Seemingly mad, Vengeful.

Polonius, Lord of Chamberlain: Harsh, Knowing, Anxious, Cunning, And


Horatio, Friend to Hamlet: Loyal, Caring, And Apprehensive.

Laertes, Son to Polonious: Cautious, Uncertain, Duty bound.

Voltimand: Duty bound.

Cornelious: Duty bound.

Rosencranze: Philosophical, Two-faced, And Fearful.

Guildenstern: Philosophical, Two-faced, And Fearful.

Osric: Loyal to Hamlet, Fearful for Hamlet, And

Respectful of Claudius as King.

Gentleman: Nobel, Worried.

Priest, or Doctor of Divinity: Soulful, Unforgiving.

Marcellus, Officer: Loyal to the Dane.

Bernardo, Officer: Loyal to the Dane.

Francisco, A Soldier: Duty bound, Watchful, And Defender of Dane.

Reynaldo, A servant to Polonius: Obedient, Watchful eye.

Players: Adventurous, Whimsical, Actors, Showmen.

Two Clowns, Gravediggers: Unknowing, Speaking and acting in Jest,


Fortinbras, Prince of Norway: Respectful, Claiming, and Righteous.

Captain: Duty bound, Respectful, And Obedient.

English Ambassadors: Messengers of death.

Gertrude, Queen of Denmark, Sad, Worried, Fearful, Lonely, Desperate,

Mother to Hamlet: Adulterer.

Ophelia, Daughter to Polonious: Naïve, Stubborn, Confused, Mad from grief,


Lords, Ladies, Officers, Sailors, Directed. Criers (like town criers), Bystanders

Messengers, And Other Attendants: some without duty and some with...

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...ds his servant to seek out answers from town's people on the reputation of his son Laertes. The playwright may have been warning his audiences without subtlety, by showing us that no matter the reason for deception that in the end it will cause grief and dishonor.

Misogyny is also a theme that is played out by when Hamlet speaks of the quick marriage of his mother; this causes Hamlet to distrust women and tells Ophelia that she should join a nunnery. His feelings and love for Ophelia go unanswered because she remains obedient to Polonius; he is even turned away when he tells Ophelia that his actions of placing his head in her lap are not that of a sexual nature. Hamlet comes to believe that women are the cause of the immoral things that men do. Hamlet much like Oedipus Rex had deep sexual feelings for his mother, which causes emotional eruptions and distrust.

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