Half Fish Mythical Creature

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Overtime, we have heard of the little tales of the half human half fish mythical creature. They’re either these beautiful creatures just roaming around the ocean or these awful evil creatures that lure you to your death. Somewhere along the literary and mythological road, mermaids and sirens got confused into one creature: a half-woman, half-fish creature known for her beautiful singing voice. Originally, it was only the mermaid that was a half-human, half-fish creature, and a singing voice wasn’t mentioned in early myths.
Mermaids have been in myths and folklore since their first appearance in ancient Babylonian stories. Era, the fish god, was half man and half fish; after that, it was the Greek god Triton (or from the little mermaid). In fact, it was the Greeks who gave us the first descriptions of mermaids. Living specimens were said to have been examined by writers such as Pausanias in the second century, and were described as having scales covering their entire bodies, gills, a fish-like mouth, and a scaly tail like a dolphin’s. …show more content…

They were given the features traditionally associated with the mermaid, half beautiful woman, half fish. The Greek hero Achilles was born of a mermaid, and some Greek families today still claim mermaid blood in their lineage (i.e. me except I’m pretty sure I’m not Greek). Nereids were found anywhere there was water, including springs and wells. While mermaids have always been enchanting, it’s been more their appearance than their singing voice like the

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