Half-Caste by John Agard How effective is the light-hearted ridicule

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Half-Caste by John Agard How effective is the light-hearted ridicule

in this poem?

In the poem Half-Caste by John Agard the poet uses ridicule to put his

point across, he uses this technique very effectively and many times

and by the end of the poem you realise how stupid the fact of someone

being a Half Caste is.

The poem is about a man from the West Indies and is called Half Caste,

which means of mixed race. The poem starts off with a verse

off three lines all written in Standard English. Even in this very

short part we can see the way the poet is using ridicule when he says

‘standing on one leg’, this is inferring that because he is a

‘half-caste’ he is only standing on one leg and that only one half the

white half of him means anything to most people. It may seem like a

ridiculous idea that he should stand on one leg but it does show how

stupid the idea that someone can only stand on one leg because he is

off mixed race.

The poem then goes into a West Indian accent and it then makes another

example like mixing colours makes him a half-caste. It then says

‘explain yuself’ again as it did at the start of the verse, this is

repeated many times through the poem and becomes a sort of chorus. It

is then always followed by an example, in this case comparing light

and shadow to black and white. Light and shadow is a euphemism for

black and white.

The poem then goes onto a line, which really uses ridicule to get the

point across, but whilst adding a little humour it shows an extremely

vital point that we all as individuals should think about, it says

about English weather being half caste. We all know the joke about

English weather being bad and traditionally always cloudy and rainy.

When we say that the weather is half-caste we are really saying it is

not as good as it should be, do we also mean this when we call a

person of mixed race a ‘half caste’. That line has double intentions

as well as saying about English weather not being very good it also

questions our thoughts on people of mixed race and whether we look

down on them.

The poet then uses light hearted ridicule again when he says about

Tchaikovsky using the black and white key on a piano this is saying

that he is not half caste but what about someone who only uses white

keys does that make them a racist.

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