H. P. Lovecraft's The Color Out Of Space

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The story The Color Out of Space by H. P. Lovecraft is a narrative that is ahead of its time in relating to the current state of science and technology. The narrative employs precise and evocative descriptions in depicting the effect of the color on the animals in the farm as well as the plants. The focus of the narrative is effective in relaying the Lovecraft’s message. Family dynamics and human relationships are highly demonstrated in the story even as it unfolds into a horrific tale of an alien affliction on a family. Several aspects synonymous of the manner in which human relate in different situations are highlighted to further portray the impact of the color invasion. The elements of technology and science relating to their limitations are connoted in the narrative to establish the relationship between the antagonist in the story and the modern-day society. In elaborating on the family dynamics, one of the key elements observed is the humanistic depiction. The writer is able to explore various …show more content…

The close correlation between color and technology allows the writer to clearly depict the limitation of technology and science in improving the overall lives of the human society. The metalloid whose key characteristic is a high affinity to silicon has facilitated the production of semiconductors that led to the inception of the digital age. In addition, the radiation sickness observed in wildlife and plants in the narration stem can be attributed the radioactivity emanating from electronic devices in the modern day age which set as eerie feel to the precision in prediction by the writer (Bucchi 56). From this depiction, there is the establishment of a connection between the alien color, light, and technology, which has led to the landscape transforming into an unnatural

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