H. A. A. R. P. (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program)

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H. A. A. R. P. (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program)

The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) may seem like a worthless research project when first viewed from a limited viewpoint. However, when you get into more detail about this project you will see just how secret and covert it really is. Since the start of HAARP many people have had questions go unanswered and this lack of information is just another example of how projects are kept quiet. This is why we must have a committee to review the uses of the project and the dangers it could cause. There are numerous natural disasters that the use of this project could have caused; however without the reviews the information may never be released and the world may never know the truth about HAARP.

What is HAARP? The High frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is a program focused on the study of upper atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics and Radio Science. The HAARP program operates a major Arctic ionosphere research facility on an Air Force owned site near Gakona, Alaska. Principal instruments installed at the HAARP Research Station include a high power, high-frequency (HF) phased array radio transmitter (known as the Ionosphere Research Instrument (IRI), used to stimulate small, well-defined volumes of ionosphere, and a large and diversified suite of modern geophysical research instruments including an HF ionosonde, ELF and VLF receivers, magnetometers, riometers, a UHF diagnostic radar and optical and infrared spectrometers and cameras which are used to observe the complex natural variations of Alaska's ionosphere as well as to detect artificial effects produced by the IRI. Future plans include completion of the UHF radar to allow meas...

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