Gun Violence In The Community

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The health problem I will address is gun violence. Although the community is vast in richness, diversity and culture, it has experienced a recent increase of gun violence. One fifth of community residents reported a surge in violent behaviors. After identifying the health concerns, contributors designated the importance of gun violence to be addressed in the years 2015 thru 2018. Consortiums formed and met separately to address the gun violence and to devise goals along with action plans. We have identified the available statistics (Statistics, PHNAT part 1). According to the CDC (2014), more than 32,000 people were killed by gunfire in 2011, the most recent data available, and more than 70,000 endured nonfatal injuries from guns. The …show more content…

The Community Health Assessment evaluated the basic demographics and health-related statistics of community residents in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois. In use was accumulated data retrieved from, also, city and county agencies to include the local police departments. Uncovered was one fifth of community residents reporting increased neighborhood violence, which remain higher than the national average. Correspondingly reported were insufficient economic, education, social and emotional support, lack of mental and behavioral health care, and neighborhood patrols and …show more content…

An introduction to Champaign County, its health status and a priority health problem. My objective was to examine our community relationships to guns, the lives they save, the lives they take and the lives they define. Awareness and partnership is needed to build a better community.
Someone is identified as the shooter, someone the survivor, someone the witness, someone the traumatized, and someone the dead. When the weapon is high-caliber, the impact is deadlier. As aforementioned, as a community, we must advocate for rational gun laws which prohibit sales, trades and use of firearms to citizens who do not meet the criteria established by the federal government, state agencies and its guidelines. Background checks to include information on disqualified individuals such as the mentally ill must be universal. Education of firearms must begin at home and instilled in our youth, most incidences gun violence stem from lack of edification, training and

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