Gun: A Symbol Of Violence

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The subject of guns is an area where it's difficult to be objective. It seems we cannot separate the emotional from the factual. The Huffington Post, the White House briefing room, and Psychology Today, all support the idea that the gun is viewed as both a symbol of freedom and a symbol of violence. The second amendment of the Constitution states that every man has the right to bear arms, leading many to believe that gun ownership is linked to patriotism or loyalty to the country. This 2nd amendment is a way of ensuring that the people will always have the means to protect themselves against threats to their freedom. For these reasons, there are many people who believe that the gun itself is a symbol of freedom. The National Rifle Association promotes this point of view, in the press and via lobbying in Washington. Gun owners see their weapons as providing safety and security, and because of this protection that it gives them, the gun symbolizes freedom. According to Psychology Today: “owning a gun certainly gives you …show more content…

Not only is it a symbol of violence, but that it leads to violence and killing. While guns do not actually kill people themselves, since they do not randomly attack and shoot people, they certainly do make killing easier. Across the nation the gun is depicted as a violent and fearful object. It has been used in mass murders, suicides, and tragedies, and “over the past decade in America, more than 100,000 people have been killed as a result of gun violence. Many of these crimes were committed by people who never should have been able to purchase a gun in the first place” (White House 2). Nothing is being done about the violent incidents and terror in the United States. At least, nothing to restrict the gun ownership aspects. Even the government believes that we should be keeping the gun out of many hands, and believe guns only lead to

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