Grey Area Of Consent

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For a legal perspective on the subject of sexual assault and consent I will be discussing the issue of the “grey area” of consent within our justice system. On January 6, 2012, the United States Department of Justice announced a newly revised definition of rape. The new and most recent definition is now, “The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.” (US Department of Justice). The key to this definition lies with the word consent. The definition also states, “the ability of the victim to give consent must be determined in accordance with individual state statutes.” (US Department of Justice, 2012). The United States Department of Justice gives the determination of the victim’s ability to give consent to individual state governments who can choose to view the definition of consent in numerous ways. …show more content…

A definition for the concept of the grey area is given by Sara Alcid in the article “Navigating Consent”, she defines it as, “the unclarity as to whether each party is consensually participating to an act of sex, and that certain actions, clothing, or conversations invite sex or signal consent” (Alcid, 2013). The lack of a verbal “no” during sex is also included within the grey

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