Greek Mythology : Ancient Love

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Ancient love
In Greece dating back to 750 B.C a book titled Symposium came into fruition by a man named Plato. This Greek mythology explained that each human was originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Zeus feared that the divine being was too powerful and split them into two separate parts, inevitably leading them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.
A sacred moment in the stillness before sunrise, where the mountains are young. It is 5:07 in the morning. This is the moment I rejoice with my other half. After hundreds of lifetimes spent together as one being, once again we have found each other. Our love that was once a spark in the abyss has since ignited the entirety of the world aflame. He and I are painted indigo and olive. We are dancing in the night sky. It is 12 noon and the mattress we sleep on is deteriorating but the seeds planted in our chest are just beginning to sprout. I am watching as his chest rises and falls effortlessly. The sun is beginning to climb up the sky, the rays cascading through the vines ...

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