Gravity Theory Essay

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Gravity, the invisible force that pulls objects toward the ground, has existed long before Earth’s creation. Gravity, in various degrees, can be found on every moon, planet, solar system, galaxy, and universe, expanding into systems far beyond the reach of human awareness. The study of gravity can be documented as far back as around 300 BCE, during the time of Aristotle, with the theory that larger or heavier objects fall to the ground faster than smaller or lighter objects. Over time the concept of this invisible force would be known as gravity and, better known by scientists, as the Theory of General Relativity. This timeline will document some of the significant discoveries and changes to the Theory of General Relativity.

Annotated Timeline
1. Approx. 330 BCE: Greek Philosopher Aristotle theorized that the universe was composed of four different elements, earth, water, air, and fire. Aristotle also believed that there is a …show more content…

Late 1500s: Galileo Galilei, known as the “Father of Science,” was an Italian astronomer, physicist, mathematician, inventor, and philosopher and was responsible for the discovery that heavy objects do not fall to the ground any faster than lighter objects. Galileo determined that “the acceleration of a falling body, the parabolic trajectory of a projectile and the resistance of solids to fracture” (Swerdlow, 2011).

3. 1687: Sir Isaac Newton published his book Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, often known by the simpler title Principa. Principia included details on his law of motion as well as Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation. Sir Newton took Galileo’s theory where objects are pulled toward the center of the Earth and expanded the concept, showing that the same gravitational force results in the orbit of planets in the solar system. “He used the Latin word gravitas (weight) for the force that would become known as gravity and defined the law of universal gravitation” (New World Encyclopedia,

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